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The Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Programme

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1 The Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Programme
Urs Baltensperger Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland EMEP-EPA Workshop New Orleans, USA, April, 2004

2 The Mission of GAW Make reliable, comprehensive observations of the chemical composition and selected physical characteristics of the atmosphere on global and regional scales Provide assessments and early warnings of atmospheric change Predict future atmospheric states Components: Radiation (mainly UV)       Aerosols Ozone              Precipitation chemistry Greenhouse Gases              GURME (urban environments)

3 Objective for the GAW Aerosol Programme
To determine the spatio-temporal distribution of aerosol properties related to climate forcing and air quality up to multidecadal time scales.”

4 Facilities, Bodies The Scientific Advisory Group (Chair: Urs Baltensperger) Still wanted: The World Calibration Centre for Aerosol Chemistry, WCCAC N.N. The World Calibration Centre for Aerosols, Physics, WCCAP in Leipzig (Alfred Wiedensohler) Data providers 22 Global stations 300+ Regional stations participating programmes The World Data Centre for Aerosols, WDCA in Ispra (Julian Wilson) Data users

GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE WATCH’s GLOBAL NETWORK Ny Ålesund 80 80 Alert Point Barrow Pallas-Sodankylä Polar Circle Mace Head Zugspitze-Hohenpeissenberg 40 40 Mt Waliguan Izana Mauna Loa Assekrem-Tamanrasset Minamitorishima Kenya Bukit Koto Tabang Samoa Arembepe Lauder Cape Point 40 40 Amsterdam Island Cape Grim Ushuaia 160 120 80 40 40 80 120 160 Neumayer Station South Pole May 2001

6 Global regional and contributing stations
Source: GAWSIS,

7 The World Data Centre for Aerosols

8 Aerosol parameters suggested by the GAW SAG/Aerosol
Continuously: - Multiwavelength optical depth - Mass in two size fractions - Major chemical components in two size fractions - Light absorption coefficient - Light scattering scattering coefficient at various wavelengths - Hemispheric backscattering coefficient at various wavelengths - Aerosol number concentration - Cloud condensation nuclei at 0.5% supersaturation Intermittently: - Aerosol size distribution - Detailed size fractionated chemical composition - Dependence on relative humidity - CCN spectra (various supersaturations) - Vertical distribution of aerosol properties Bold: core parameters

9 Harmonization issues Is there a suitable instrument? Intercomparison between instruments for the same parameter Adaptation to ambient conditions Integration of data (e.g. column and in situ data)

10 WMO/GAW Aerosol Measurement Procedures Guidelines and Recommenations GAW Report No can be downloaded from: (or: Google: WMO GAW -> GAW home page)

11 Data Provider Workshop I: Aerosol Optical Depth
Location, Date: Davos (Switzerland), 8-10 March 2004 Organizer: Len Barrie (WMO), Chris Wehrli (WRC), Urs Baltensperger Sponsors: WMO/GAW, GAW-CH, WRC Topics: - Strategies for Global Coverage and Applications - Technical Coordination for better Integration in a Global Network Outcome: WMO Report (summer 2004)

12 Data Provider Workshop II: Aerosol in situ parameters
Location, Date: Ispra (Italy), October 2004 Organizer: Julian Wilson, Jean-Philippe Putaud, JRC Ispra Sponsors: WMO/GAW, EU (CREATE/DAEDALUS), JRC Goals: - bring data providers together - explore possibilities for data access between contributing partners - repeat the European Aerosol Compilation (see Putaud) on a global scale - demonstrate data usage via AEROCOM Workshop open to any data provides, some funding available

13 The High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, 3580 m asl

14 On-line access to aerosol data Example: Scattering coefficient

15 Absorption coefficient measurements with the aethalometer and the MAAP
Simultaneous scattering and absorption coefficient: identification of Saharan dust events, see Collaud et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. (2003)

16 Conclusions Promising development of GAW in recent years - guide for aerosol measurements - establishment of WCCAP - first successful calibration and audit activities - agreement with EMEP on data flow harmonisation - comprehensive data sets at a couple of sites Synergy between monitoring and research, and between different networks Some parameters require more research Data flow to WDCA to be enhanced The vision: One-stop shop for data users Highly important for ground truthing of satellite data Capacity building a central theme

17 Thank you for your attention

18 Hygroscopic growth of the Jungfraujoch aerosol
Weingartner et al., ES&T (2002)

19 Indoor vs. ambient conditions
Nessler et al., (2003)

20 Response of scattering coefficient and particle size to hygroscopic growth
Input: Angstrom exponent of scattering coefficient Relative humidity with knowledge of size distribution (1 year) chemical composition (ions: every 6th day, detailed chemistry: campaigns) hygroscopic growth behavior: campaigns

21 Response of scattering coefficient and particle size to hygroscopic growth

22 Chemical composition of the Jungfraujoch aerosol
Henning et al., J. Geophys. Res. (2003)

23 Number and surface area size distributions of the Jungfraujoch aerosol; seasonal averages
Weingartner et al., J. Geophys. Res. (1999)

24 Setup of the Hygroscopicity Tandem DMA
Weingartner et al., ES&T (2002)

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