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Describe the SHAPE and VOLUME for the 4 states of matter (plasma, gas, liquid, solid). Rank them from LOW to HIGH kinetic energy! Warm-Up 2/20/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Describe the SHAPE and VOLUME for the 4 states of matter (plasma, gas, liquid, solid). Rank them from LOW to HIGH kinetic energy! Warm-Up 2/20/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Describe the SHAPE and VOLUME for the 4 states of matter (plasma, gas, liquid, solid).
Rank them from LOW to HIGH kinetic energy! Warm-Up 2/20/14

2 Gas Properties and Behaviors
Thursday 2/20/14

3 Kinetic Molecular Theory
Explains the behavior of matter (including gases) Has mass Constant, random, rapid motion Gas particles are VERY far apart Gas particles may collide, but are not attracted or repelled Kinetic Molecular Theory

4 “Elastic” Collisions

5 KMT describes the behavior of “IDEAL” gases that have no volume, attractions, and do not lose energy. A good estimate for the behavior of REAL gases…but not perfect! Real vs. Ideal

6 Pressure: the force of the gas atoms or molecules running into the wall of the their container.
Keeps things (like balloons!) inflated. Gas Pressure

7 “Atmospheric Pressure” keeps balloons from getting bigger.
Inward pressure caused by gas in the atmosphere on the balloon’s surface!

8 Changing Pressure Adding more or less gas particles
Changing the temperature Changing the size of the container Changing Pressure

9 Diffusion and Effusion
Diffusion: the speed with which gas particles move across a space. Effusion: the speed with which gas particles escape through a tiny hole in a container. LARGER PARTICLES = MOVE SLOWER Diffusion and Effusion


11 Your Job Complete the gas behavior questions.
They will be checked tomorrow Unit 7 Test Retakes available starting Monday! Your Job

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