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Phylum Arthropoda Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Arthropoda Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Arthropoda Review

2 Word Bank Complete metamorphosis herbivores pesticides swimmerets exoskeleton bilateral antennae molting Egg hatches to larva larva enters pupa stage adult emerges from pupa stage Complete metamorphosis

3 Process of shedding an outgrown exoskeleton
Word Bank Complete metamorphosis herbivores pesticides swimmerets exoskeleton bilateral antennae molting Process of shedding an outgrown exoskeleton molting

4 Waxy, waterproof outer covering of arthropods
Word Bank Complete metamorphosis herbivores pesticides swimmerets exoskeleton bilateral antennae molting Waxy, waterproof outer covering of arthropods exoskeleton

5 Type of symmetry found in arthropods
Word Bank Complete metamorphosis herbivores pesticides swimmerets exoskeleton bilateral antennae molting Type of symmetry found in arthropods bilateral

6 Chemicals used to kill harmful insects
Word Bank Complete metamorphosis herbivores pesticides swimmerets exoskeleton bilateral antennae molting Chemicals used to kill harmful insects pesticides

7 Arthropods that feed on plants (e.g. Japanese beetles)
Word Bank Complete metamorphosis herbivores pesticides swimmerets exoskeleton bilateral antennae molting Arthropods that feed on plants (e.g. Japanese beetles) herbivores

8 Word Bank Complete metamorphosis herbivores pesticides swimmerets exoskeleton bilateral antennae molting Appendages used by crustaceans like paddles; also to attach and carry eggs swimmerets

9 Segmented appendages used to smell, taste, touch and balance
Word Bank Complete metamorphosis herbivores pesticides swimmerets exoskeleton bilateral antennae molting Segmented appendages used to smell, taste, touch and balance antennae

10 Behind the mystery door is a Black Widow Spider.
How many legs does the black widow have? 8

11 Behind the mystery door is a Black Widow Spider.
How many pairs of antennae does it have?

12 Behind the mystery door is a Rusty millipede.
Is it a carnivore or scavenger? scavenger

13 Behind the mystery door is a Rusty millipede.
What type of circulatory system does it have? Open

14 Behind the mystery door is a Honey Bee
How many legs does it have? 6

15 Behind the mystery door is a Honey Bee
Which body section has legs and wings? thorax

16 Behind the mystery door is a Honey Bee
How many body sections does it have? 3

17 Arachnid Match the organism to its correct class
Diplopoda Chilopoda Crustacea Arachnid Insecta Jumping spider Arachnid

18 Insecta Match the organism to its correct class
Diplopoda Chilopoda Crustacea Arachnid Insecta Thrip Insecta

19 Crustacea Match the organism to its correct class
Diplopoda Chilopoda Crustacea Arachnid Insecta Crayfish Crustacea

20 Insecta Match the organism to its correct class
Diplopoda Chilopoda Crustacea Arachnid Insecta Goliath Beetle Insecta

21 Diplopoda Match the organism to its correct class
Diplopoda Chilopoda Crustacea Arachnid Insecta millipede Diplopoda

22 Chilopoda Match the organism to its correct class
Diplopoda Chilopoda Crustacea Arachnid Insecta centipede Chilopoda

23 Arachnid Match the organism to its correct class
Diplopoda Chilopoda Crustacea Arachnid Insecta yellow dog tick Arachnid

24 Word Bank Antennae Cheliped walking legs swimmerets swimmerets antennae Walking legs cheliped antennae

25 Ladybugs, praying mantises, as well as adult and larval lacewings are this type of beneficial insect. A. structural pests B. producer C. pollinator D. biological control

26 Insects that are essential for reproduction in plants are called
A. structural pests B. producer C. pollinator D. herbivores

27 Termites in the soil of forests feed on fallen trees
Termites in the soil of forests feed on fallen trees. In this way termites are beneficial A. structural pests B. parasites C. pollinators D. decomposers

28 Possibly the most dangerous animal, these insects transmit diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and West Nile virus. A. flies B. mosquitoes C. fleas D. lice

29 Which of the following arthropods is not correctly labeled?
A. Ladybird beetle (ladybug) - decomposer B. Aphid – insect pest C. Grasshopper – food source/ nutrition D. Bumblebee - pollinator

30 Describe gradual metamorphosis in insects
Describe gradual metamorphosis in insects. List all the stages and provide an insect that undergoes this process.

31 What is biological control of insects. Give an example
What is biological control of insects? Give an example. What is an advantage of the use of biological controls over the use of pesticides? Biological control of insects is the use of natural predators released into an area to fight a harmful pest or insect.

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