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Michael Connolly – National Accounts, CSO Ireland 9 December 2009

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1 Michael Connolly – National Accounts, CSO Ireland 9 December 2009
The CSO Consistency Unit and its impact on the quality of National Accounts I am MC FROM CSO Ireland – National Accounts - responsible for treatment of MNCs in the Irish National Accounts Michael Connolly – National Accounts, CSO Ireland 9 December 2009

2 Outline of Presentation
Irish Economy – Rationale for Consistency Unit Activities of MNCs in Ireland The scope of the data analysed by the consistency Unit . The Institutional framework in Ireland How the survey areas, administrative data centre and consistency unit work together Our plans for a Large Cases Unit - commencing operation in January 2010 9 December 2009

3 Globalisation in the Irish Economy
Irish economy developed into highly Globalised Economy For MNCs in Ireland top 10 account for 34% of value of exports and 33% of imports Exports %GDP Imports %GDP Goods 44 30 Services 38 40 Total 82 70 Ireland is one of the most Globalised economies in the World. Want to continue by looking at the impact on some Macro economic aggregates of MNCs activities in Ireland Totasl exports are 82% of GDP IN 2008 Total importsd were 70% of GDP IN 2008 Total MNC EXPORTSD ACCOUNT FOR 51% OF EXPORTS (61% OF TOTAL) Total MNC imports accounts for 33% of GDP (46%) 9 December 2009

4 Exports & Imports of Goods and Services as % GDP - 2006
An index of globalisation is the combination of imports and exports as a % of GDP When we compare these countries we can see how globalised the Irish Economy is Want to continue and consider the impact on Macro economic aggregates of these MNCs 9 December 2009

5 Manufacturing Output - by ownership 1985 - 2005
Very different story when we come to output Output from MNCs has increased dramatically by a factor of almost 10 over the period Output of Irish owned has almost doubled over the 20 year period

6 Irelands International Balance Sheet 2008
Foreign Assets €bn Foreign Liabilities €bn Net IIP FDI 123.4 121.0 2.4 Portfolio Investment 1,169.0 1,183.7 -14.7 Other Investment 901.0 995.7 -94.7 Reserves 0.8 Total 2,194.2 2,300.3 -106.2 9 December 2009

7 Activities of MNCs 9 December 2009

8 General Issues with MNCs
National frontiers and MNCs Valuation of flows in a particular country Frequent changes in structure Apportionment of Value Added to a particular country 9 December 2009

9 Relationship MNC Parent - Affiliate
Local enterprise have incomplete information – particularly financial Guided by overall MNC tax planning or liquidity management For example - a €100m payment to the parent is it Royalty Dividend Loan DO THEY KNOW - IMPACT IS VERY DIFFERENT ON THE ACCOUNTS We have discussed the problems how do we deal with them? CSO ESTABLISHED A CONSISTENCY Unit in the early 1990s Globalisation –Impact on economic statistics STCPM 51 18 August 2009

10 Special Trading Activities of MNCs
Goods For Processing/Tolling – value of service not value of cross border movements of goods Merchanting – value of net export of goods/services which don’t cross border of compiler Price Setting - Adjustments to prices not captured at the time of export Commissionaire Trading – value of service provided - included in total price of exports 9 December 2009

11 CONSISTENCY UNIT 9 December 2009

12 Company Records Office
Consistency Network Industry Business Register Services Tax Records Balance of Payments International Trade Company Records Office Consistency Unit Data is analysed and compared on a company by company basis for different frequencies Trads data - monthly turnovers The statisticians meet by video link or face to face regularly 9 December 2009

13 Consistency Analysis - Simplified
COMPONENT Consistency Test €mn Total Exports Exports = Turnovers (MIP,Tax Data,CIP, Services, BOP, Trade) 92 Total imports Imports = Purchases (ASI, CIP, Monthly services, BOP, Trade -60 Balance 32 Profits Profits = Taxable Profit (Tax data) = Entrepreneurial income (BOP) 20 Difference Compensation of employees, (Earnings data) 12 TYPICAL ANALYSIS COULD BE X-M – Profits view the difference Cost of Goods bn COE BN Deprec bn Other costs bn TAX BN INT PAY BN 9 December 2009

14 Consistency Unit (Large Cases Unit)
Facilitated by the following CSO compile and publish merchandise trade and Balance of Payments data Access to Tax Authorities files comparison with Survey returns Compare data for top individual MNCs incl. Exports, monthly turnovers, annual turnovers, purchases, stocks, imports, exports, value added, service exports and imports, Balance of Payments profit variables 9 December 2009

15 National Accounts Income
Responsible organisation for the statistical domain – ERG Document 2009 Country Inwards FATS Outward FATS FDI Trade in goods Trade in services Business Register* AT NSI NCB BE BG CY CZ DE DK EE EL ES Customs FI FR HU IE IT LT LU MT NL PL PT RO SE Growth SI SK NO CH IS ? LI n.a. National Accounts Income 9 December 2009

16 Globalisation –Impact on economic statistics STCPM 51
How do we do it? Use of indicators to link data Central Business Register Identifier Enterprise Number Local Unit Number VAT Number Corporation Tax number Company Registration Office (CRO) PREM Number - Employer Tax registration Number Globalisation –Impact on economic statistics STCPM 51 18 August 2009

17 Quality Framework Monthly/Quarterly and Annual meetings with survey areas (Industry Services, BOP) and Consistency Unit Confront the data received for largest MNCs Assess consistency or quality of the data Micro level analysis 9 December 2009

18 Consistency Unit - Transfer Pricing
No unilateral adjustments for transfer pricing other than for consistency purposes Ensures that International asymmetries are not created by ad-hoc adjustments Through consistency work we ensure that value added of MNCs is outflowed through Net Factor Incomes Result that GDP may be overstated and productivity measures similarly (but GNP understates). 9 December 2009

19 Large Cases Unit – How and Why
Broaden the coverage of consistency work Take control of the data – survey data is edited by LCU Single point of contact with company Generic forms - monthly, quarterly and annual instead of numerous separate surveys at each frequency Use of XML etc. facilitate transmission between CSO and Companies 9 December 2009

20 International Initiatives
Coordinated Direct Investment Survey Euro Groups Register - Eurostat 9 December 2009

21 Summary and Conclusions
Difficulties caused by large concentration of MNC activity in a small open economy Distortions to Macro economic variables GDP/ GNI Productivity Strategy for dealing with MNC statistics through Consistency Unit 9 December 2009

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