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NOTE: I’ve written some comments on the work but I haven’t actually set targets. Students listen to all the feedback and look at the models then they read.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTE: I’ve written some comments on the work but I haven’t actually set targets. Students listen to all the feedback and look at the models then they read."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTE: I’ve written some comments on the work but I haven’t actually set targets. Students listen to all the feedback and look at the models then they read their own and set their own target to address next lesson / for home learning.

2 Developing Sharp Language Analysis – Hamlet Extract Part A)
LO: To reflect upon our mock exam, with a particular focus on developing comments on language in style for Part A)

3 Act 4 Scene 3: What actually happens in this scene?
Now let’s talk through the stylistic points we would pick out in this scene Language Form Structure Talk through extract; maybe model annotations

4 Class Targets Learn the play.
Sharpen comments on language, form & structure Comment more closely on the action in the extract Get the action before and after the extract correct! Get coverage of the extract as a whole, rather than the first section Explore the interactions and relationships between characters and how the audience view them Avoid phrases like “this creates a happy mood for the audience”, “this makes the audience feel shocked” – you’re A-Level students (see helpful phrase bank for the antidote to this sickness…) Personalise to your class…

5 Hamlet Models Richard III Models
Look at models after this – show them that they know the play really well (especially the Richard III model) and get them to identify their own target in the essay

6 What does ‘overall excellence from the candidate’ mean?
Twelfth Night Model In light of this… What does ‘overall excellence from the candidate’ mean?



9 Next steps: Now use this as a way into the action of the scene and what each character is trying to achieve; consider how typical it is of each character; explore how the scene is structured to gradually reveal different ideas and shift in tones

10 Exploring Meter in Act 4 Scene 3
See what I did there? Exploring Meter in Act 4 Scene 3 Meter task if your students struggle These are the kinds of things to consider if you talk about meter for form: how could we use it?

11 Registers Look at the sheet on register: How could you link it to the extract? Can you think of an extract in the play that maintains each of the registers on the sheet? Why are they used? Register task

12 Reflection Time: Write your own target(s)…
Now re-develop a section of your essay. Make sure you include the link before and after the point you re-write to show the fluency in your essay. OCR <3 good essay writing. “The connotations of the word ______ are…” isn’t going to cut it anymore.

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