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Group:5 MEMBERS:MUKHTAR(10)Sufyan(18)Shaker(16)Sufeyan(17)

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Presentation on theme: "Group:5 MEMBERS:MUKHTAR(10)Sufyan(18)Shaker(16)Sufeyan(17)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group:5 MEMBERS:MUKHTAR(10)Sufyan(18)Shaker(16)Sufeyan(17)
THE SPOON Group:5 MEMBERS:MUKHTAR(10)Sufyan(18)Shaker(16)Sufeyan(17)

2 The problem with normal spoon’s
-It’s small and and won’t reach across the table to get the food that is really far away. -And it won’t stir deep in a big pot. -It’s not extendable for lazy people

3 The Problem Solver! -It can extend longer and reach.
THE EXTENDABLE SPOON -It can extend longer and reach. -It’s also good if your trying get something that is far like a basket. -It’s helpful to children who can’t reach over the table to get the food.

4 Testing the spoon We test it and it works perfectly we can reach the snacks and have it. If the ice-cream is not close to you you can reach it with your spoon. Compare to normal spoons its much longer like the size and the length.

5 Why did we choose this product!
And it we chose it because we can extend the spoon whenever we like to. We choose this because it can help the disabled people who can’t walk or stand reach over the table and get the food.

6 conclusion -We already test for the extendable spoon and it works.
-We also test for the small spoon and it does not work well. -We also test if it will pull the thing close to you. -We tested for the lazy people it’s okay. -We tested the spoon it can carry something like salt,sugar and spices.

7 THE END Thank you for your time!!!

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