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Isomers and Enantiomers Functional Groups

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Presentation on theme: "Isomers and Enantiomers Functional Groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 Isomers and Enantiomers Functional Groups

2 Isomers and Enantiomers
Build C5H12 with your group Build C2H4Cl2 with the two carbons in a double bond and one H and one Cl on each carbon atom Build CH2BrCl two different ways

3 Functional Groups Each group will present 1 functional group
Make a poster with LARGE print and NEAT including the following Build the functional group with the kit – draw a picture on your poster representing this group Describe the physical properties that the group adds to a molecule Give the chemical naming suffix Draw the atomic bonding of this group Any important additional information about the fxnal group

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