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Problem of the Day.

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1 Problem of the Day


3 This Path is NON-LINEAR
This Path is LINEAR This Path is NON-LINEAR

4 x -2 -1 1 2 y 5


6 Yes- It is Linear No- It’s nonlinear Words Example Y equals x
Y is to a power Y = a number X is to a power y = x times a number A number is divided by x y = x times a fraction A number is divided by y y = x divided by a numbe There are absolute value y = x plus a number X is the exponent Y equals x y is to a power Y = a number x is to a power y = x times a number A number is divided by x y = x times a fraction A number is divided by y y = x divided by a number There are absolute value bars y = x plus a number x is the exponent


8 Exit Ticket Decide whether the graph is linear or nonlinear. x 4 3 2 1 y 7 11 x 2 5 8 11 y 3 6 9 12

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