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PRB PHASE II STRESA 7-8th MARCH 2006 Marne River Basin (France)

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1 PRB PHASE II STRESA 7-8th MARCH 2006 Marne River Basin (France)

2 Two questions of Lorenzo
What has been done in Marne PRB during 2005 ? The Water Agency organized the first public consultation (Prefet is the Legal Authority, Water Agency is Manager and Operator) What are our ideas / projects for year 2006 ? Link to research : Transfer of results and tools from research to water managers, Preparation of the 9th program of the Water Agency with the perspective of WFD management plan

3 Together, we can make a big splash !
Survey of public opinion about : ● main problems on Seine-Normandie catchment ● priority actions for resolving the problems ● time table for developing management plan until 2008 => responses

4 First results of 2005 consultation
Priority to stop water pollution by toxics substances (pesticides and heavy metals), Prepare management of crisis periods (drought and flood), with local public, Develop Information and education, More transparency about price of water, Enforce “polluter, pay” principle, Solidarity with south people.

5 Other results The public cares about environment and favors preventive actions Urban people accept to pay more for water Consumers are confident about quality of tape water but worry about quantity problems From specific consultation of councils (department, chamber of commerce and industry,…) : Councils focus on quality of drinking water Councils worry about inadequacy of financial resources with regard to WFD objectives

6 Lessons Learned : many questions are not resolved…
What is the best way to inform the public ? media national or local (TV, newspapers…), internet, direct mailing, public debate, How to restitute citizen opinion ?, Is the wide public really concerned ?.

7 Perspectives for Public Participation
The main challenge : being able to answer How can we integrate public opinion in River District Management Plan ? A good point : Targets, Schedule, and Frame of Consultation Documents are precisely determined (guidances are helpful)

8 WG B – Link to research projects
Marne PRB projects for 2006 WG B – Link to research projects There is a close collaboration between water managers and interdisciplinary research programs : Since 1989 at the scale of the Seine basin Since 1995 about the Seine estuary PIREN-Seine

Urban waste water Agricultural practices PROSE Processes in main axes STREAM erosion STICS N dynamics in soil SiAM-Rive Estuarine processes Discharge to the sea SENEQUE Processes in drainage network Punctual sources Diffuse sources infiltration SiAM-ELISE Costal eutrophication SENECAM Upstream processes MODCOU transfers in aquifers CAWAQS Coupled processes aquifers – drainage network Toxic blooms Quality of surface waters Quality of ground waters Ecological functioning

10 PIREN-Seine agenda for 2006
Transfer of results and tools from research to water managers ● A big workshop researchers/managers about transfer and prospective use of the toolbox : models and data treatments. ● Several thematic seminars : ecotoxicological risks in rivers, relationship between habitat and ecological status, … ● Synthesis documents, popularization of the results. ● International symposium about Interactions among Rivers, their Watershed and the Sociosystem : Man and River Systems II, Paris, 4-6 December 2006 (

11 Water managers agenda for 2006
Regional actions : ● Build the 9th program of Water Agency : Where to put money to be the more efficient for water quality ? ● Build a “Seine river management plan” WFD actions : ● Improvement of article 5 report ● Gather elements for public debates ● Prepare first versions of programme of measures and river basin management plan

12 Perspectives for 2006 Collaboration between researchers and water managers should be fruitful There should be interesting results to present in the context of the PRB exercise

13 Thank you for your attention

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