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9-1: Imperialism, 1890-1900.

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1 9-1: Imperialism,

2 Thematic Learning Objectives
NAT 2.0 Explain how interpretations of the Constitution and debates over rights, liberties, and definitions of citizenship have affected American values, politics, and society. WOR 1.0 Explain how cultural interaction, cooperation, competition, and conflict between empires, nations, and peoples have influenced political, economic, and social developments in North America.

3 Key Concept Participation in a series of global conflicts propelled the United States into a position of international power while renewing domestic debates over the nation’s proper role in the world.

4 Overview U.S. thrown into position of international power
Debates over the nation’s proper role in the world

5 Territorial Acquisitions
Alaska, 1867 Seward’s folly Abundance of natural resources Hawaii, 1890s Military interests—Pearl Harbor obtained U.S. business interests—sugar Overthrow of Hawaiian monarchy U.S. annexation, 1898

6 “New Imperialism” International Darwinism Politicians European example
Business/political interest in raw materials and new markets Justified through economic opportunities, racial theories, and competition with other empires

7 “New Imperialism” International Darwinism Missionaries Naval Power
Imperialism included idea of moral improvement “White Man’s Burden” Naval Power Mahan—control of seas the key to world dominance “New Navy” Media Yellow journalism—sensational stories of exotic places Stimulated demand for U.S. involvement around the world

8 “New Imperialism” Anti-Imperialism
Cited principles of self-determination American tradition of isolationism

9 Spanish-American War, 1898 Causes of the War Fighting the War
Cuban Revolt Sinking of the Maine De Lome Letter Yellow Press Teller Amendment—”Cuba Libre” Fighting the War The Philippines Invasion of Cuba Quick and decisive U.S. victory

10 Spanish-American War, 1898 Controversy over the Treaty of Paris
Territorial Acquisitions—Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines The Philippines Question Desire to annex Philippines stemmed from desire to promote U.S. interests in Asia Filipino rebellion Formation of American Anti-Imperialist League Cuba and the Platt Amendment Cuba given quasi-independence Acquisition of Guantanamo Bay U.S. protectorate

11 Spanish-American War, 1898 Other Results of the War Insular Cases
Are Filipino people U.S. citizens? W.J. Bryan—yes, protected by Constitution Imperialists and Supreme Court—no Election of 1900 McKinley (R) resounding win over Bryan (D) Affirms imperialist sentiments

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