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Día número 85—español 1 El 11 de enero Horario de Inicio Tardío

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1 Día número 85—español 1 El 11 de enero Horario de Inicio Tardío
"If you could see the potential within you it would amaze you to see all that you are capable of being."  Catherine Pulsifer  Being Yourself   |   

2 LEER EL BOLETÍN Meta (Goal) de Hoy:
Be able to talk about AND act out (soap opera style) what you did during winter vacation

3 What did you do during winter vacation?
TRADUCE: What did you do during winter vacation? REMEMBER that some verbs are irregular: Hacer = I did/made = hice Ir = I went= fui Some have a spelling change to maintain the correct sound: Jugar = I played= jugué Practicar = I practiced = practiqué REG VERBS in past tense Drop the AR and add É for Yo and ASTE for Tú. Drop the ER/IR and add Í For Yo and ISTE for Tú. I went to…(place) I went to bed late and got up late every day. I watched a lot of movies and a little TV. I read a lot. I rested a lot. I also worked and I did homework. My family and I celebrated Christmas. I talked/spoke with my friends and family. I ate a lot! I didn’t play videogames. I didn’t practice sports either.

4 SPEAKING TASK #1: Make up a little skit
SPEAKING TASK #1: Make up a little skit. You must memorize and ACT OUT 5 activities in a row. You can do other activities besides the ones I used, just be sure to conjugate the verbs correctly. REMEMBER: Hispanics tend to be very dramatic and use their hands a lot when they talk—(Let’s have fun with this! —think Hispanic Soap operas)—so part of your grade will be how exaggerated your acting is! Watch first 40 seconds of a Dramatic scene from Mexican Soap Opera. 30 Memorization (How it flows) 30 Grammar & Voc (Correct usage) 20 Variety of Voc (Added details) 10 Pronunciation 10 Exaggerated acting

5 P1: ¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones de invierno?
Follow this format: P1: ¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones de invierno? P2: Yo…(5 activities acted out) ¿Y tú? ¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones de invierno? P1: Yo…(5 activities acted out) REMEMBER that it is in PAST TENSE! AR verbs Yo ends in “É” ER/IR verbs Yo ends in “Í”. Yo bailé, jugué, toqué (instrument), practiqué… Yo leí, bebí rompope (eggnog), comí, recibí… IRREG VERBS: hice, fui… GIVE TIME TO PREPARE & if possible, have a couple groups presente today. 30 Memorization (How it flows) 30 Grammar & Voc (Correct usage) 20 Variety of Voc (Added details) 10 Pronunciation 10 Exaggerated acting

6 LA TAREA: Completa WS Todo sobre mí.

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