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Binder Check Review.

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1 Binder Check Review

2 Essential Ingredients & Suggestions for Binder
Students must have five tabs labeled Unit 1+2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6  Students must have three additional tabs labeled “Essays, Documents, and AP Review.” For those printing notes and annotating in class, please have this completed before class begins. The beginning of each class will contain essential information, instructions for the day/week, and document reading, discussion, and explanations. You are expected to be on time for this. Have your unit and chapter cover pages and unit content pages printed before lectures and be able to access them easily, as you should be able to fill out portions of this in class during lectures and discussions This will save you considerable time and not create late nights for meeting binder deadlines

3 How your binder should be organized
For each unit section, students must have IN ORDER: A unit cover page followed by the related unit content cover page which must be completed (essential questions answered) Chapter "A" completed cover page, Chapter "A" lecture notes (either hand written or annotated printed lecture notes), completed Chapter "A" homework questions Chapter “B" completed cover page, Chapter “B" lecture notes (either hand written or annotated printed lecture notes), completed Chapter “B" homework questions Students will repeat for each chapter

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