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A Brief History of Light

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1 A Brief History of Light
Two main theories of Light: does it consist of waves or of particles? Wave Theory Particle (Corpuscular) Theory Christian Huygens ( 1629 – 1695 ) Isaac Newton ( 1642 – 1727 )

2 Do they explain observed phenomena?
(1) Rectilinear Propagation (Production of shadows) Particle theory easily explains; wave theory explains by saying that waves don’t bend around corners (diffract) because they are traveling too fast for diffraction to be observed

3 Can theory explain Wave Theory Particle Theory Propagation yes yes

4 (2) Reflection From a Barrier
easily explained by both theories

5 Can theory explain Wave Theory Particle Theory Propagation yes yes Reflection yes yes

6 (3) Refraction Explainable by both theories; for particle theory, light must speed up in denser medium (like sound); for wave theory, light must slow down in denser medium (like water); not testable in 1600’s

7 Can theory explain Wave Theory Particle Theory Propagation yes yes Reflection yes yes Refraction yes yes

8 1801: Thomas Young discovered
2-Pt. interference of light: observed series of light and dark bands on distant screen Passed light through 2 narrow slits

9 According to particle theory,
should see only two bands of light Easily explainable by wave theory using path-length-difference and interference arguments

10 Can theory explain Wave Theory Particle Theory Propagation yes yes Reflection yes yes Refraction yes yes 2-Pt. Interference yes no

11 2-Pt. Interference of Light
2 sources separated by a distance d 1st order bright fringe x S1 central bright fringe d L S2 Screen is located a distance L away from sources 1st order bright fringe is a distance x away from central bright fringe

12 2-Pt. Interference of Light
2 sources separated by a distance d 1st order bright fringe x S1 d L S2 T λ Light travels 1λ farther from S2 than from S1, so it arrives in phase and produces a bright fringe

13 2-Pt. Interference of Light
2 sources separated by a distance d 1st order bright fringe θ x S1 d L S2 T λ ∟S1TS2 approximates a right angle, especially when L >> d opp λ If so, then sin θ = = hyp d

14 2-Pt. Interference of Light
By similar triangles, ∟SQR is equal to ∟S2S1T S 1st order bright fringe θ x S1 θ d Q R L S2 T λ opp x then tan θ = = adj L

15 For small angles, sin θ = tan θ
1st order bright fringe θ x S1 θ d Q R L S2 T λ λ x sin θ = tan θ = d L ~ For small angles, sin θ = tan θ d λ x d x d ~ = λ = d L L

16 (4) Diffraction Pass light through small single slit on a distant screen: Pass laser light through small hole:

17 Unexplainable by particle theory
Explainable by wave theory using Huygen’s Principle (each source on a wavefront acts as its own source of circular waves, the leading edge of which forms the wavefront) Light passes through slit; points A, A’, B, B’, C, C’ act as sources; A and A’ interfere, sometimes constructively and sometimes destructively A B C A’ Likewise B and B’; and C and C’ B’ C’ All places of constructive int. match up, as do places of destructive int.

18 Can theory explain Wave Theory Particle Theory Propagation yes yes Reflection yes yes Refraction yes yes 2-Pt. Interference yes no Diffraction yes no

19 Maxwell’s Equations proved that light was a
James Clerk Maxwell ( 1831 – 1879 ) James Clerk Maxwell proved that light was a transverse, sinusoidal wave

20 Photoelectric Effect discovered in 1887 by Heinrich Hertz
The emission of electrons from a metallic surface when illuminated by electromagnetic radiation Heinrich Hertz ( 1857 – 1894 )

21 Shine red light on metallic surface; no emission for low intensity
The energy of a wave depends on its amplitude, so by increasing the intensity, we should get emission metallic surface metallic surface But no emission occurred, even for high intensities

22 Instead of increasing intensity, it was found that by increasing the
frequency, there was a point at which there was photoemission, even for very low intensities This threshold frequency was the same every time the experiment was done, for that metal; differed for different metals e- metallic surface Photoelectrons came off metal with a certain KE KE can be measured by applying a reverse potential, to pull electrons back ( a “stopping voltage”)

23 Increasing the intensity of the light caused more photoelectrons to
metallic surface Increasing the intensity of the light caused more photoelectrons to be emitted e- metallic surface e- e- But the same stopping voltage brought all of the electrons, back, indicating that all of them had the same KE

24 It was found that the way to increase the KE of the photoelectrons was
to increase not the intensity of the light but the frequency Even at low intensity, photoelectrons were emitted with a large KE e- metallic surface A larger stopping voltage was required to stop photoemission Again, increasing the intensity caused more photoelectrons, but their KE remained the same (same stopping voltage) e- metallic surface e- e-

25 Formally: (1) Low-frequency light (red) did not emit electrons, even at high intensities (bright light) (2) Above a certain threshold frequency, emission began immediately, even at low intensities (3) If frequency is held constant and intensity is increased, the number of photoelectrons increases, but their KE remain the same (same stopping voltage is required) (4) As the frequency increases, the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons increases also (greater stopping voltage is required) Not explainable by current theory of light (as a wave)

26 Einstein’s explanation of the Photoelectric Effect (1905):
(drawn from work done by Max Planck with black-body radiators) - the energy of light is carried in discrete units, call “quanta” (singular: quantum), or “photons” the energy of light is directly proportional to the frequency of the light E = energy f = frequency h = Planck’s constant E = h f = x J s

27 ex. A photon of red light has a wavelength of 6.83 x 10-7 m.
(a) Determine the frequency of a photon of red light. v = f λ c = f λ λ λ c 3 x 108 m/s f = = = f = x 1014 Hz λ 6.83 x 10-7 m (b) Determine the energy of a photon of red light. E = h f h = x J s E = ( 6.63 x J s)( 4.39 x 1014 Hz ) E = x J

28 So the energy of a photon of red light is 2.91 x 10-19 J
What is the combined energy of two photons of red light? 2 ( 2.91 x J ) = x J so the energy of light is not continuous; can be this can have 2 photons but cannot be this can’t have 1.5 photons can have 1 photon energy can be this Difference between them is a “quantum step” “quantum leap?”

29 Einstein’s explanation of the Photoelectric Effect (1905):
(drawn from work done by Max Planck with black-body radiators) - the energy of light is carried in discrete units, call “quanta” (singular: quantum), or “photons” the energy of light is directly proportional to the frequency of the light E = energy f = frequency h = Planck’s constant E = h f = x J s increasing the intensity of light increases the number of photons, but not their energies

30 Summary of findings: (1) Low-frequency light (red) did not emit electrons, even at high intensities (bright light) (2) Above a certain threshold frequency, emission began immediately, even at low intensities (3) If frequency is held constant and intensity is increased, the number of photoelectrons increases, but their KE remain the same (same stopping voltage is required) (4) As the frequency increases, the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons increases also (greater stopping voltage is required)

31 (1) Low-frequency light (red) did not emit electrons,
even at high intensities (bright light) Einstein: Electrons are held within a metal by a certain amount of energy ( a work function ) that must be overcome in order for the electrons to be emitted work function: energy that holds electrons within a metal Photons of red light do not have energy to overcome the work function; electrons are “jiggled” but not ejected

32 (2) Above a certain threshold frequency, emission began
immediately, even at low intensities Einstein: At the threshold frequency, the photons have just enough energy to overcome the work function One photon will cause one electron to be ejected Since all of the energy of the photon was used to overcome the work function, the KE of the photoelectrons = 0 Above the threshold frequency, there is some leftover energy that goes into KE of the photoelectrons KE = ( Energy of the light) - ( work function )

33 Energy of photons can both supply the energy needed to overcome the work function and give the photoelectrons kinetic energy ( Energy of the light ) = ( work function ) + KE h f = ϕ + KE

34 (3) If frequency is held constant and intensity is increased, the number
of photoelectrons increases, but their KE remain the same (same stopping voltage is required) Einstein: Increasing the intensity of the light increases the number of photons, but not their energies One photon causes one photoelectron, so more photons result in more photoelectrons emitted Frequency (and energy) of light is constant, so KE of photoelectrons (leftover energy from that needed to overcome the work function) remains constant h f = ϕ + KE KE = h f - ϕ = constant

35 (4) As the frequency increases, the kinetic energy of the
photoelectrons increases also (greater stopping voltage is required) Einstein: Increasing the frequency of the light increases its energy Work function of metal is constant, so leftover energy for KE increases as the energy of the light increases h f = ϕ + KE KE = h f - ϕ increases increases constant So by treating light as a particle, with energy equal to hf, the photoelectric effect was easily explained

36 Can theory explain Wave Theory Particle Theory Propagation yes yes Reflection yes yes Refraction yes yes 2-Pt. Interference yes no Diffraction yes no Photoelectric Effect no yes

37 So is light a wave or a particle?
Can be either Wave-Particle Duality: Light can exhibit properties of either waves or particles, depending on the phenomenon observed Light is never both a wave and a particle within the same experiment Before observing light (with an experiment), light is in some indeterminate state Analogy with Schrodinger’s cat

38 Cat in box with vial of poison and radioactive
source; if source decays, lever breaks vial, cat dies; if source does not decay, cat is alive Erwin Schrodinger ( 1887 – 1961 ) To find out if cat is alive, must open the box; before opening, cat is in the indeterminate state; is either dead or alive (can’t be both) Opening box will force cat into one of two states (dead or alive)

39 Similarly, before observing light, it is the indeterminate state
of being either a wave or a particle Observe it with an experiment If we observe it by passing it through 2 narrow slits, it assumes wave properties interference pattern If we observe it by shining it on a metallic surface, it assumes particle characteristics

40 Emission Spectra Observed in the 1880’s; not understood

41 Rutherford’s Atom ( from Gold-Foil Experiment )
Positive charge in atom concentrated at its center (nucleus); negative charge orbits the nucleus Question: Since positive and negative charges attract each other, why don’t the electrons spiral into the nucleus? Neils Bohr: There must be places of stability where the electrons do not spiral in + Why? not sure

42 The Bohr Atom Different orbitals have different energies
; electrons can move between levels ; when they move down to a lower level, they emit a photon of precise energy, the difference in energies of the levels

43 Explains emission spectra; energies of lines correspond to
difference in energies between orbitals



46 Doppler Redshift

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