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Motion in One Dimension

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1 Motion in One Dimension
Chapters 2 & 3

2 I. One-Dimensional Motion
Simplest form of motion Motion in only one direction (straight line)

3 II. Frame of Reference Coordinate system specifying the exact location of objects in space You choose FoR but must be consistent.

4 II. Frame of Reference C. Adjust the axis to simplify the problem

5 III. Displacement Change in position of an object
Straight line from initial to final position Dx = xf – xi

6 III. Displacement D. Displacement is not always equal to distance traveled. E. Can be positive or negative Assume right is positive Assume left is negative

7 IV. Velocity Velocity is the rate at which an object’s displacement changes. (vector quantity) SI Unit is m/s V = Dx / Dt **

8 IV. Velocity Speed is related to velocity; however, it is the distance traveled in a given time period. (no direction)

9 IV. Velocity D. Negative velocities represent displacements to the left or down E. Negative velocities do not mean slower than stopped.

10 IV. Velocity F. Instantaneous Velocity
measure of velocity at a specific time/location.

11 V. Graphs for Constant Velocity
Slope indicates the avg velocity of a position-time graph Steeper slopes show higher velocity

12 Assignment Pg 39 9, 11 Pg 41 18 Pg Pg 47 29, 30

13 VI. Acceleration Measures the rate of change in velocity (requires a force) a = Dv / Dt

14 VI. Acceleration C. The SI units for acceleration are m/s2 (distance over a time squared)

15 VI. Acceleration D. Comparing the signs of velocity and acceleration will indicate whether the object is speeding up or slowing down.

16 E. When the velocity is constant, acceleration = 0.
VI. Acceleration E. When the velocity is constant, acceleration = 0.

17 G. Graphs for uniform acceleration
VI. Acceleration G. Graphs for uniform acceleration Position-time Velocity-time Acceleration-time

18 The slope of a velocity-time graph indicates the objects acceleration.
VI. Acceleration The slope of a velocity-time graph indicates the objects acceleration.

19 Explain how a decelerating object can have a positive acceleration.
Warm up Explain how a decelerating object can have a positive acceleration.

20 Motion of an object falling with an acceleration due to gravity
VII. Free-fall Motion of an object falling with an acceleration due to gravity In the absence of air resistance a of gravity= m/s2

21 VII. Free-fall c. Objects thrown up have a negative acceleration = -9.8 m/s2 as soon as they are released.

22 VII. Free-fall D. The objects velocity decreases until it hits the peak, where v= 0 m/s. E. Velocity is negative on the way down F. Acceleration is -9.8 m/s2 the whole trip

23 G. Sketch of an object thrown straight up

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