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TRUE OR FALSE? Community care is when an elderly person is looked after in a hospital The cost of a prescription in Scotland in now £4.00. District nurse.

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Presentation on theme: "TRUE OR FALSE? Community care is when an elderly person is looked after in a hospital The cost of a prescription in Scotland in now £4.00. District nurse."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRUE OR FALSE? Community care is when an elderly person is looked after in a hospital The cost of a prescription in Scotland in now £4.00. District nurse is an example of secondary care. Everybody in Scotland qualifies for a free eye test. Individuals can get free NHS dental treatment if you are getting Income Support or Jobseeker’s Allowance.


3 For and against prescription charges.
TASK For and against prescription charges.

4 Using p.91 of the photocopy, answer the following question:
Describe, in detail, the arguments for and against abolishing prescription charges (4)

5 There are many arguments for and against abolishing prescription charges. The first argument for abolishing charges is that low income families will have more money to spend on better food and living conditions. They would not have to worry if someone fell ill as the cost would be covered. An argument against this would be that people who can afford to pay for prescriptions should do so. Those who need help paying for them would get them free anyway. It would also cost the NHS a lot of unnecessary money- the income lost would be the equivalent to almost 200 full time nurses.

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