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The history of the discovery of America.

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1 The history of the discovery of America










11 Leif Ericsson — Лeйф Эриксон(первооткрыватель Америки)
Leif Ericsson's Day — День Лeйфа Эриксона Christopher Columbus Columbus Day — 12 oктября New World – Новый Свет Indians West Indies Amerigo Vespucci – Америго Веспуччи Wigwam - вигвам Buffalo – буйвол Nevertheless – тем не менее Tribes - племена

12 When did first people appear on the American continent?
How did those people get to America? How are called the descendants of those people? Who were the Vikings? Who was Columbus? What did he dream about? Who was Amerigo Vespucci ?

13 America was inhabited by …
Those who occupied the forests lived in … Those on the plains lived in … and hunted … Europeans changed … They brought … So for the Indians they were … … per cent of them died within 150 years.

14 Conclusion. Thank you for the lesson.
Please, write down you home task: Make a report “The history of the discovery of America” Thank you for the lesson.

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