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Recent results from BLAST detector

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1 Recent results from BLAST detector
Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

2 Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

3 Bates Linear Accelerator center
Siberian Snake 850 MeV cw polarized electron beam Beam polarization longitudinal at target Storage ring filled to 225 mA; helicity flipped each fill Lifetime 25 to 30 minutes Automated synchronization of ring fill, detector HV ramp, data taking, ring dump using the EPICS control system Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

4 Electron beam polarization
Compton polarimeter Compton polarimeter provides online control of stored beam polarization Laser beam helicity flipped with a Pockels cell (~10Hz) Backscattered photons are detected with CsI crystal Electron beam polarization flipped every new fill Average beam polarization 67% Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

5 Polarized Internal Target
ABS (Atomic Beam Source) produces flux of Hydrogen or Deuterium atoms ABS intensity ~ Dri-film coated T-shaped storage cell. Target thickness ~ Hydrogen polarization Pz78% Deuterium polarization Pz72%, Pzz 68% Target polarization flipped every 5 min Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

6 BLAST Toroidal field 3.8 kG
2 instrumented sectors in the horizontal plane - Drift chambers - Cerenkov detectors - Time of Flight scintillators - Neutron detectors BLAST DATA: 2004, Hydrogen - Pz78%, 81 pb-1 2004, Deuterium - Pz84%, 130 pb-1 Pzz68% 2005, Deuterium - Pz72%, 180 pb-1 Pzz56% BEAM TARGET Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

7 Kinematics for spin-dependent electron scattering
Electron scattering into left sector : q vector ~ perpendicular to target spin (perpendicular kinematics) Electron Left Right Electron scattering into right sector : q vector ~ parallel to target spin (parallel kinematics) B p e’ q e Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

8 BLAST physics program Pol Vect.-Pol Tens.-Pol -production
Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

9 Measurements of neutron form factor
Product of beam and target polarizations (hPz) is determined from 2H(e,e’p)n reaction and verified with 2H(e,e’n)p in parallel kinematics The Form Factors ratio is measured in perpendicular kinematics Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

10 Preliminary results Small systematic errors:
The largest contribution (5%)– from the uncertainty in the target polarization angle (~12 % per degree) Uncertainty in hPz 2.5% Uncertainty in magnetic Form Factor 1.5 % Model dependency < 3% Radiative effects <1% Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

11 Measurements of deuteron form factors
Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

12 Preliminary results The largest systematic error(~5%) – from the normalization on low-q points Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

13 In the Born approximation
, In the Born approximation vanishes in the L=0 model for deuteron (no L=2 admixture) => is a good measure of L=2 component is a good measure of L=2 component and reaction mechanisms : MEC, IC, RC Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

14 Vector Asymmetry Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

15 Tensor Asymmetry Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

16 Separation of charge and magnetic proton form factors
Existing data: 1.Rosenbluth separation 2.Polarization transfer measurements (scattering of polarized electrons on Hydrogen target and measuring a polarization of recoil protons) Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

17 World Data Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

18 Scattering of polarized electrons on polarized protons
Super ratio Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

19 Preliminary Results from BLAST
BLAST Left Sector BLAST Right Sector Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

20 Preliminary Results from BLAST
Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

21 Preliminary Results from BLAST with World Data
Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

22 Conclusion Preliminary results from BLAST quasi-elastic d(en) ( )
elastic d(ed) (T20) quasi-elastic d(ep) elastic p(ep) ( ) Factor of two more data to analyze Also analyzing data on  production,  resonance, T10/T11, inclusive…. More results to come ! Nucleon05 Oct , 2005 Evgeni Tsentalovich MIT

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