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Death of a Salesman ACT II Vocabulary.

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1 Death of a Salesman ACT II Vocabulary

2 1. incredulous—skeptical; disbelieving
2.candidly—frank; blunt; direct; open 3. ignoramus—an ignorant person 4. salvation—act of being saved or preserved from harm; redemption; rescue; a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness 5. raucous—rowdy and disorderly; unpleasantly loud and harsh 6. saccharine—fake sugar; having a cloyingly sweet attitude, tone, or character 7. bewildered—perplexed; confused; befuddled 8. gist—central idea; essence

3 9. ominously—menacingly; threateningly
10. implacable—impossible to placate, appease, calm or satisfy 11. contemptuous--scornful 12. spiteful—malicious; filled with ill will 13. vengeful—vindictive; desiring vengeance/revenge 14. proposition—proposal 15. befuddled—confused; perplexed 16. elegiac—expressing sorrow, usually for things past

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