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Basic Structure Super-structure

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Structure Super-structure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Structure Super-structure
Foundationalism Basic Structure Super-structure

2 Basic Beliefs and Non-basic Beliefs
Doxastic Basicality (DB) Epistemic Basicality (EB)

3 Epistemic privilege: infallibility, indubitability or incorrigibility
(B) It appears to me that, that hat is blue. (E) The hat looks blue. (H) That hat is blue. Epistemic privilege: infallibility, indubitability or incorrigibility

4 A subjects basic beliefs are made up of introspective beliefs of his mental states, of which perceptual experiences make up one subset.

5 Experiential Foundationalism: (E) The hat looks blue
Experiential Foundationalism: (E) The hat looks blue. – mental state of perceptual experience EF is less restrictive.

6 (H) That hat is blue. – Non-basic in PF but basic in EF.
PF = Priviliege Foundationalism EF= Experiencetial Foundationalism

7 Epistemic Basicality (EB)
EB is more rigid than DB

8 Why are perceptual experiences a source of justification?
The J-Question: Why are perceptual experiences a source of justification?

9 The compromise position:

10 (M is suitable track-record of memories)
H = E + M (M is suitable track-record of memories)

11 from externalist and internalist position.
EB foundationalism from externalist and internalist position.

12 The first one is very tough.
The justificatory relation between basic and nonbasic beliefs could be deductive or non-deductive. The first one is very tough.

13 A theory of Justification
Coherentism A theory of Justification

14 All beliefs are symmetrical, belongs to the same category.
No Basic belief ( Bb)

15 epistemic neighborhood.
Doxastic Coherentism Every justified belief receives its justification from other beliefs in its epistemic neighborhood.

16 Which beliefs might make up the set of justification-conferring neighborhood beliefs?

17 Inference to the best explanation (IBE) Explanatory Coherence
My having (E) is best explained by assuming that (H) is true.

18 Reliability Coherence
Experiences like (E) the hat looks blue to me are (usually) reliable

19 Explanatory Coherence and Reliability Coherence – both face the
Circularity Problem

20 Dependence Coherentism
One’s justification for believing P1 depends on justification one has for believing some further propositions P2, P3, P4, … Pn

21 but solely by suitable perceptual experiences and memory contents.
Dependence Coherentism allows the possibility that a belief is justified, not by receiving any of its justification from other beliefs, but solely by suitable perceptual experiences and memory contents.

22 Compromise position: Founda-coherentism
Doxastic Basicality – OK Epistemic Basicality – Not OK Doxastic Coherentism - Not OK Dependence Coherentism - OK

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