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Metamorphic Rock.

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Presentation on theme: "Metamorphic Rock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metamorphic Rock

2 “Changed” rock that forms deep under the Earth
Texture and composition of a sedimentary or igneous or other metamorphic rock gets changed by heat and pressure


4 HOW? Rock gets close to magma This is called CONTACT metamorphism

5 Also . . . Enormous pressure when the Earth’s crust collides
Called REGIONAL Metamorphism

6 Gneiss( say ‘nice’ !)

7 Minerals Change… Calcite, Quartz and Hematite change into GARNET


9 Textures: Foliated mineral grains banded, aligned
Nonfoliated minerals crystals are larger, not aligned; they appear shiny

10 Foliated: slate, schist, gneiss
Examples… Foliated: slate, schist, gneiss

11 Slate

12 Schist

13 Gneiss

14 Nonfoliated Marble, quartzite (is very common)

15 Marble

16 Quartzite

17 Hornfels

18 Learn these changes Shale  slate  gneiss Limestone  marble
Sandstone  quartzite Coal  Anthracite Coal

19 Oil Shale Beds in Utah

20 Homework  Visit:

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