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Geo Day 63.

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1 Geo Day 63

2 Starter What happened to change the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire? Why do you think the Roman Empire isn’t around today?

3 Splitting the Empire Pros of Splitting Cons of Splitting
Have students come up with this. Pros: More control over a smaller area (easier to control), people feel closer to the capital and the government, more support, more secure and safer, better for the economy, less spreading the taxes around. Cons: Less power because you are giving some away, not unified, feels disconnected from each other.

4 Webquest - Computers Login First name. last
Summit(SIS#) Go to my class webpage and complete web quest. When you’re done, have me look at it to check that you got the answers correct BEFORE putting your computer away If you finish with 10+ minutes left of class then I will have you work on essay

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