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One Stop services in North Central Washington

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1 One Stop services in North Central Washington
Lee Hendrickson SkillSource Wenatchee

2 North Central Washington covers a lot of acreage:
The counties of: Chelan Douglas Grant Adams Okanogan

3 We refer to ourselves as a: “one stop” but…
Partner agencies are often operating from different locations spread around the area This creates the opportunity for partners to think of themselves as individual agencies. In the process of overcoming our locational challenges the Chelan Douglas area has developed a proactive approach to partnerships. Consequently services are as good or (Lee would even say) better than partners housed under one roof that do not have to work so hard to get together.

4 Examples of things we have learned businesses often appreciate…
The new thing – relationship – sales technique Visit business and have conversations about business, needs and even past bad experiences with “system” Attend chamber, downtown association, visitor bureau events Assessments for new hire or advancements Training – Medical community need MAs – we arranged training for employees to upgrade skills (Insert bureaucratic lingo here) (Team hit 123% of goal for OJT NEG grant)

5 Examples of things we have learned workers often appreciate…
Arrange Rapid Response with employer; coordinating with the community college, and WorkSource and often organized labor Assist “workers in transition” with the transition ACE workshop – develop a plan despite fear, anger, denial Career Decisions, Resumes, Interviewing My Job Network with employer presentations Find hope, dollars for training, new goals, better attitude Eventually new employment

6 One Stop services in North Central Washington
Lee Hendrickson SkillSource Wenatchee

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