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Welcome to the CS-Workshop February 2nd/3rd 2006 Holger Brand

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the CS-Workshop February 2nd/3rd 2006 Holger Brand"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the CS-Workshop February 2nd/3rd 2006 Holger Brand

2 CS Workshop,
Contents 1st Day Goals of this Workshop CS-Framework Overview & Status Limitations, Database & Configuration, GUIs Collection of Requirements for the Application Layer CS Event Mechanism & Scaling: Now & Then LabVIEW 8: Project Manager, Libraries, Shared Variables, RT 2nd Day LabVIEW integration into the LHC control system General Purpose Sequencer Requirements Application Layer Developments: Interfaces, Groups, Object-/Petri-Nets, Gateways, etc. License, Support, Collaboration, SCC, OpenG Discussion CS Workshop,

3 Discussion of Requirements I
Do not loose first event in network communication Singleton functionality Copy Icons during inheritance or class copy Configuration database Create BaseProcess Objects without database entry Provide default parameter in DB for BaseProcess or other classes More general ReadDatabase VI! Super class -> Object Factory HyperProcess InUseFlag -> Singleton Warmstart,(Objects, Applications) WatchDog CS Workshop,

4 Discussion of Requirements II
Persistency As BaseClass functionality in CSObj By Inheritence Parameter in constructor/destructor On Request by function call or event Recipe Database Recipe Class Order/Sequence of loading recipe items Snapshots All data Settings only Object Broker CS Workshop,

5 Discussion of Requirements III
General Sequencer based on State Machines? Sequencer BaseClass? Hierarchical Debugging: Step, in, over, repeat, pause Packaging OpenG Builder & Commander Small packages Dependencies Partitioning by multiple instances of CS Systems? Post Mortem Analysis no need at the moment CS Workshop,

6 Discussion of Requirements IV
Reservation Mechanism Lock against accidental modification Soft Interlock Mechanism combination with Alarmsystem eLogBook Interface UserManager InterfaceClass -> SCADA Logging of operator activities not necessary at this time CS Workshop,

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