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The FMI Road Weather Model, Applications and Projects

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1 The FMI Road Weather Model, Applications and Projects
Marjo Hippi Meteorological research / Meteorological applications Finnish Meteorological Institute

2 Background and motivation
Weather warning service road/sidewalk weather forecasting issuing road/sidewalk weather warnings Research road maintenance needs effect of climate change Products road maintenance scheduling specialized warning system route planning

3 End users of Road Weather Model (and its applications)
Meteorologists Road maintenance people Drivers Walkers Benefits of the model Safety on roads Less injuries Less maintenance costs

4 Numerical model . . . . . . . . . 3-D 1-D 2-D
Atmosphere : weather model - weather parameters 3-D 10 km Road model (1-D) 10 km 1-D Road surface Ground 4 meters 2-D "Deep" ground Climatological temperature

5 Model structure Atmosphere wind speed (Vz)
Upper boundary forcing Model structure Atmosphere wind speed (Vz) air temperature and humidity (Ta , Rh) global (short wave) radiation (RS) incoming long wave radiation (RL) precipitation (P) Traffic mechanical wear, heating Turbulence natural traffic induced Surface heat exchange sensible heat flux (H) latent heat flux (LE) long wave radiation (RL) stability Ground heat transfer heat conductivity () specific heat (c) density () porosity ()

6 Road surface temperature
Outputs: Input data: temperature, humidity wind speed precipitation intensity lighting conditions Traffic conditions Traffic index normal bad very bad Road index 1. dry 2. damp 3. wet 4. wet snow 5. frost 6. partly icy 7. dry snow 8. icy Simulation Road condition surface temperature storages - water, snow - ice, frost Temperature Road surface temperature

7 Observation phase (3-48 h) Forecast initial state
Model run Present time Observation phase (3-48 h) Forecast phase (24-48 h) SYNOP, radar precipitation Hirlam, ECMWF etc. Input data : Observations Forecast (meteorologist's editor) Simulation : Road weather model Road weather model Forecast initial state Model output Input data latest observations and forecasts "data pool" updated automatically by a data fetch agent Data Base

8 Surface energy balance
Equation: G = heat transfer into ground H = sensible heat flux α = ground reflectance LE = latent heat flux RS = global radiation Wphch = melting/freezing RL = long wave radiation Wtraff = traffic heat generation

9 Effect of traffic on road surface
traffic wear E.g. snow packed partly to ice, partly flown away adjusted to main road network day/night variation in values can easily be adjusted if more detailed data becomes available traffic friction and other warming effects turbulence simulated by having minimum wind speed friction heating included in the equations (not used so far) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Time / hrs mm eq. water snow storage ice storage snowing Storages are one of the most important part of this model. There are storages for water, snow, ice and deposit.

10 Road condition : interaction between storages
SNOW ICE WATER Wear Freezing Melting ROAD : COND : dry snow snow + ice wet snow ice Traffic induced drifting COND 2 :

11 Meteograms Temperature road temperature air temperature air dew point
snow icy partly icy frost wet snow wet damp dry Road index Temperature Precipitation Radiation Wind speed Wind Temperature (air) Dew point (air) Temperature (road) water (mm/h) ; snow (cm/h) long wave (W/m2) water (mm) ; snow (cm) short wave (W/m2) INTENSITY : Traffic idx : Meteograms Temperature road temperature air temperature air dew point Incoming radiation long wave short wave Precipitation and storages water prec. mm/h ( ), mm ( ) water storage (- -) snow prec. mm/h ( ), mm ( ) snow storage (--) ice storages (-o- ; --) Road index primary secondary ooooooo : SUM | STOR x 10

12 Meteogram vs. road weather camera

13 Road condition maps Feb 6 12:00 16:00 20:00 24:00 Dry snow Wet snow
Ice Partly icy Frost Wet snow Wet Damp Dry Road condition maps Feb 6 12:00 16:00 20:00 24:00

14 Traffic condition index
= Very difficult = Difficult = Normal

15 Road weather models, applications and projects
Four kind of road weather models Normal road weather model Road maintenance model Pedestrian model Coming: Road weather model using observations from road weather station Applications Frost model : Analysis model, based on observations from road weather stations Icing model : Different kind of observations and/or forecasts give warnings Varo service : Special localized warnings and advanced route planning based on predicted road weather Projects Helsinki Testbed : Urban measurement network ColdSpots : More accurate forecasts for difficult road spots – verifications and model developing CarLink : Wireless Traffic Platform for Linking Cars – Weather observations from cars, data transfer, …

16 Pedestrian sidewalk conditions
J. Ruotsalainen, R. Ruuhela, M. Kangas FMI, Inst. of Occupational Health* Warning of slippery walking conditions Modified surface condition interpretation Hospital preparedness *) Työterveyslaitos Foot gear friction measurements using a "stepping robot"

17 Pedestrian model – Background and Facts
During wintertime in Finland occur about pedestrian slipping accidents with serious consequences 1/100 in Finnish population About patients (1/1000) are hospitalized Annual costs 420 million euros

18 How to reduce the number of slipping accidents?
Winter maintenance of pavements Awareness of pedestrians Foot wear with good grip Warnings of slippery pavement conditions would help both pedestrians and winter maintenance work Peak days of traffic accidents are not usually the same as peak days of pedestrian slipping accidents Friction between a tyre and road is different from the friction between foot wear and the underfoot surface

19 Some statistic

20 Age distribution of patients with slipperiness injuries
Number of slipperiness injuries Number of slipperiness injuries outside during winter time from Töölö Hospital Emergency

21 Age distribution of patients with hip fracture due to slipperiness accidents
Number / Age /

22 Development of the Road Weather and Pavement Condition Model
Changes in storage terms were adjusted for pavements e.g. snow -> ice, maintenance Three-valued index for slipperiness was developed Normal, slippery, very slippery Most slippery conditions for pedestrians are Light, dry snow on the smooth layer of ice Water on the smooth layer of ice Melting Raining Humid, heavy snowfall made slippery by - pedestrians - or wrong maintenance equipments The pedestrian model was taken in operational use winter The service was extended to cover whole Finland

23 Road maintenance scheduling
Co-operation with FMI and Finnish Road Enterprise* Enhanced snow manipulation Advance warning of snow accumulation for maintenance scheduling Snow removal (ploughing) included in the model Coming later: scheduling for salting New style of thinking: Model does not predict the weather, it predict what should be done Time to next snow removal *) Tieliikelaitos

24 VARO service - Driver Alert for drivers
FMI (M.Hippi, M.Kangas), FMI/Cust.Serv., Finnish Road Enterprise, Road Authorities, VTT, Telia-Sonera, transport companies Special localized warnings Road model rapidly changing weather, freezing rain, heavy snowfall, etc. mobile phone based localization of the vehicles warnings come to users via mobile phone, to the car navigators in the near future warning to those who are in the warning area Also advanced route planning based on predicted road weather *

25 VARO service - Route planning

26 Project : ColdSpots Co-operation with FMI, Foreca and Finnish Road Enterprise Funding from MINTC (Ministry of Transport and Communications), partners and Finnish Road Authority Initiated after a serious wintertime road accident Objective to further improve winter weather and road condition forecasts Concentrating in the problem points of the Finnish road network

27 ColdSpots : Benefits and risks
Less traffic accidents, saving money and lives Winter road maintenance becomes more efficient Scheduling and planning maintenance actions becomes easier We take a risk on the quality of new forecasts. As this is a pilot project, we do not know how much improvement (if any) can be made What we want to do: During this project we do also friction measurements and thermal mapping along the roads (Vaisala’s optical measurements) more accurate forecasts on road conditions more effectively warn to drivers, especially about the problem spots want to learn how much the road conditions differ locally along the road network and why want to learn more about the influence of weather to road accidents

28 What is a ColdSpot? A spot with accidents due to slipperiness
Or a spot which is difficult for road maintenance people Can be an open area -> large sky-view factor, radiation cooling A valley with cool air pooling at night Coastal area near the sea or lake -> lots of moisture advection Elevated spot, a hill top -> lower temperature, forced uplift of moving air (not a common problem in Finland) A bridge, curve, ramp, … Many spots have passing lanes (a cause or a result?)

29 How much temperature can differ in near situated road weather stations
Distance between road weather stations is about km.

30 Part II

31 How does a ColdSpot look like?
Aneriojärvi: an open area, a lake on the right Ikela hill: an open area ending to a hill Bridge of Halikko may be slippery, strong wind can cause extra risk Curve of Koikkala: Road curving on a hill – poor visibility

32 ColdSpots do not look like much but they may kill you...
Drivers cannot sense the danger while driving One good way to warn: variable signs

33 Conclusions about FMI:s road weather modeling
The basic road weather model operative since 2000 a total of 66 model runs/day Worked well, stable and reliable Spin-offs and model developments special traffic and pedestrian warnings Cust.Services : commercial products road maintenance, VARO etc. Interest from abroad Interest from Lithuania, Czech, Luxemburg, Barbados (considering mud slides)...

34 ... and future Road weather observations
improved localization Ideas : friction output, EPS, road salting, feedback from maintenance vehicles, … Problem : radiation observation availability FMI : decrease of cloud/radiation observations since summer 2006 => analysis to grid impossible => no more radiation observations for the model radiation observations replaced by forecasts forecast quality ?

35 More about road weather modeling in the future
We want to better and do more accurate forecasts to different kind of places (bridges, hills, valleys, ramps, …) need observations of different kind of places need information of terrain need information about the structure of road and ground need to but into the model those things need also observations from city area and pavements In project ColdSpots we research is it possible to do more accurate forecasts already Friction model Now we know if the surface is icy. We would like to know also how slippery it is. Now there are friction measurements available

36 What happens to road maintenance costs in the future?
Because of global warming winter time road maintenance costs will increase in Finland Summer time season will be longer. Less costs on Nov, Dec, Mar. In the middle of the winter (Jan, Feb) the costs will increase The number of near zero temperatures will increase in the middle of the winter  Need more salting because of icy roads The total sum of maintenance costs in the winter season will increase

37 Thank You for Your Interest!

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