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SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR A Splendid Little War 1898.

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1 SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR A Splendid Little War 1898

2 CAUSES Imperialism – desire for empire
Economic – US sugar plantations and mills in Cuba being destroyed by Cuban guerillas Sympathy for Cubans – fighting Spain for independence, concentration camps Yellow journalism – exaggerated stories

3 More Causes Jingoism – intense national pride and desire for aggressive foreign policy De Lome letter – Spanish Ambassador called McKinley weak USS Maine – blown up in Havanna harbor

4 Important People McKinley – US president during the war
William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer – owners of newspapers, yellow journalism Pulitzer’s New York World Hearst’s New York Journal Frederick Remington Worked for Hearst, sent to Cuba to cover the war. He told Hearst “There is no war.” Hearst said “You furnish the pictures. I’ll furnish the war.”

5 Message from Hearst to Remington

6 Yellow Journalism Picture that ran in the papers of the USS Maine exploding in the harbor and the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill.


8 More People Gov. Gen. Weyler - sent by Spain to suppress the revolt of the Cuban people. Put rebels in concentration camps. Teddy Roosevelt – resigned as Assistant Sec. of the Navy to lead the Rough Riders in Cuba. Rough Riders – volunteer unit, charged up San Juan Hill

9 People Adm. George Dewey – destroyed Spain’s Pacific fleet at Manila Bay. Dr. Walter Reed – discovered mosquitoes were the cause of malaria and yellow fever.

10 Battles Manila Bay, Philippines – Dewey destroyed Spain’s Pacific fleet. First shots fired there. Dewey’s fleet opened fire on the Spanish, and quickly defeated them. Battle on land took about a month longer. San Juan Hill, Cuba – TR led the Rough Riders on a charge up the hill. Helped by African-American regiment.

11 Battles Santiago Bay – US Navy destroyed the Spanish fleet. Without a navy, Spain realized it couldn’t continue fighting, asked for peace.

12 Treaty of Paris, 1898 Cuba became independent.
US got Puerto Rico, Guam and Philippines and paid $20 million to Spain for the Philippines.

13 Results US became a world power. US annexed Hawaii.
US got control over Cuba – naval base Panama Canal built (this pointed out the need) 2500 Americans died – less than 400 in battle – most from food poisoning, malaria, yellow fever, poor medical care.

14 Teller Amendment - part of the war declaration against Spain - promised that we had no intention of taking over Cuba ourselves. - US withdrew from Cuba within a couple of years after the war (after having the Cubans add the Platt Amendment to their Constitution).

15 More results Roosevelt Corollary – Big Stick diplomacy as TR became President. Platt Amendment – 1901 – required Cuba to agree not to sign treaties with foreign powers that might impair independence, never to build up public debt, permit US intervention if necessary, allow US naval bases (Guantanmo Bay)


17 More Results Philippines – outraged that the US took Spain’s place. Had hoped for independence. Guerillas began to fight against US Insurrection didn’t end until 1902. Became a territory in 1913, promised independence once the government was stable.

18 Anti-Imperialist League
Formed in 1898 to fight against the annexation of the Philippines. Thought it was wrong for many reasons – economic, moral, racial, legal. Mostly that it went against the ideals the US was founded upon Group faded away after the Treaty of Paris was signed.


20 More Results Puerto Rico Became a US protectorate Welcomed US troops
Foraker Act - gave PR some amount of self-government, US retained most power. Began to “Americanize” Puerto Rico Some resistance, more and more concessions granted. Puerto Ricans were granted US citizenship in 1917.

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