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The Writing Process 5 Steps to Success

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process 5 Steps to Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Process 5 Steps to Success

2 The Five Steps Prewrite Draft Revise Proofread Publish

3 Prewrite Think About It Talk about what you’re going to write.
Draw it. Plan it.

4 Drafting Write it Down Write a first draft Sloppy copy.
Don’t think. Just write.

5 Revising Make It Better Read your own writing.
Read it to someone else. (Do they like it?) Add details. (Make it more interesting). Write it again.

6 Proofreading Make It Correct Read your own writing. Capitalization.
Punctuation (. ? !) Spelling Does it make sense?

7 Publishing Share It With Others Read it to a friend.
Put it on the wall. Put it in a book. Put it on TV.

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