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School boys (sb) Founder/president: Ekemini Sunday

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Presentation on theme: "School boys (sb) Founder/president: Ekemini Sunday"— Presentation transcript:

1 School boys (sb) Founder/president: Ekemini Sunday
Co fonder/General Manager : Imo Sunday Vice president: Tyler Mathieu Club manager: Dontral Dubois Secretary: Cale Hay

2 About school boys Sb of course stands for School Boys ,we have accomplished a of lot things such as a website ( and treasury . The founder of Sb is Ekemini G. Sunday cofounder is Dontral Dubois/Imo Sunday We work to together to set goals and accomplish them we have had no trouble so far We also have a pledge which will be on the next slide

3 Sb pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of Sb. Which stands for courage ,diligence and patience. So as a Sb member I will do my best to serve and never quit until the job is done.

4 Sb accomplishments and future accomplishments
Our accomplishment:one websites , a meeting and joining a confederation with another group . Future accomplishments: more meetings ,more members ,more fundraisers and donations.

5 Allies We have joined two groups by the name of wca but we are allies with wca .

6 questions If you have questions email me at

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