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Creative Arts: an Exploration

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1 Creative Arts: an Exploration
BALEAP 2019 LEEDS EAP and the Creative Arts: an Exploration Anna Rolinska, Jennifer Sizer, Clare Maxwell, Clare Carr, Katherine High, Hannah Jones, Alison Thomas

2 Introductions Motivations The workshop itself Future directions
Today’s running order Introductions Motivations The workshop itself Future directions Quick intro - Meet them in a minute.

3 About Us Hannah Jones; Alison Thomas ( University of Edinburgh),
Clare Carr ( Durham) Kathrine High (Bristol)) Clare Maxwell ( University of Leeds) Anna Rolinska ( Glasgow Uni/ GSA) Jennifer Sizer (University of Portsmouth), Welcome to workshop looking at the role and place of EAP in the Creative Arts.

4 In/ and / on- a confusion/ a questioning f our role as teachers often from different fields.

5 Motivations… We as a group came together as the result of an EAP in the North session at UoE last year. A gap in the literature? There is a solid body of disciplinary theory and knowledge in other areas: STEM; Business; Law; Health but CA? An increasing number of international students choosing to study creative arts? Both practice and theory missing in Creative Arts. Anecdotal evidence/ Me: a personal practitioner Writing centre

6 Context- worth remembering that EAP can be a precarious industry/ profession. The atomisation caused by short-term contracts, etc can mean that knowledge and effective practice becomes atomised. We think it’s important that ‘atomised’ is prevented from becoming ‘balkanised’ (i.e. small, hostile parts of a whole). This workshop then is an attempt to bring together our practice wherever and however it occurs. ‘Tales from the Field’: very much an exploration ( fitting in with the themes of the Conference)rather than showcasing our work. While ‘English for Business’, ‘English for Law’ and ‘English for STEM’ are widely accepted and increasingly familiar terms in our field, less attention seems to have been paid to the potential meanings of ‘English for the Creative Arts’. It seems that a limited range of literature and published resources are available to the EAP practitioner yet, in an increasing range of contexts, EAP practitioners are being asked to design courses, materials and lessons to develop academic language, skills and practices for the Creative Arts as the students engaging with these disciplines diversify.  As EAP teachers teaching across UK universities, we have found that the varied and sometimes opaque expectations of student writing practices, and the prevalence of ‘fuzzy’ genres in these disciplines can make this a challenging area of practice. 

7 So, what do we mean by ‘creative arts’?
We are a self-selected group: Arch/ music/ art/ design/ TV & film. However, Where do the disciplinary boundaries lie? Who determines the boundaries? Do we need boundaries at all? Any ..self selecting- the feeling of a need…Silos? Innovation/ transformation? This is not how we are definitively defining CA

8 Workshop Format What happens now?
We’ve adopted a ‘World Café’ format We have 5 different tables with 5 table leads from 5 different – non-arts- unis and 5 different creative arts [Art, Design, Music, Architecture, Film and TV] Round- table discussions based around discipline: 2 x 25 mins [Appoint a scribe!]. + Final plenary discussion (team and audience): [ use your tablecloths!] Use the Padlet

9 The Padlet Your contributions? Your tablecloth comments?
Your contributions? Your tablecloth comments? Your resource suggestions? A resource. If you’ve brought along examples of your own practice, can add to Padlet if copyright allows. Blogs? Writing? Theory

10 Does it need its own disciplinary space?
Guiding Questions Is EAP in the Creative Arts all that different to EAP in other disciplinary areas? Does it need its own disciplinary space? For the plenary

11 Table Hosts Introductions

12 PLENARY The role of the EAP practitioner in the creative arts; possibilities for future platforms and collaborations ?

13 ROUND- UP Is EAP in the Creative Arts all that different to EAP in other disciplinary areas? Does it need its own disciplinary space? What ‘innovative’ practice is going on in this field? And looking forward…….??

14 What happens next….? set up by Emma Lay at Arts Uni Bournemouth for those working in Art and design orgs. Alke Groppel-Wegener's blog is here: bunting/) Gary-Riley Jones Writing-PAD (& Journal of Writing in Creative Practice) Use the Padlet to add.

15 ‘New Perspectives for English for Academic Purposes’ published by Bloomsbury. Series editors are: Alex Ding, Ian Bruce and Melinda Whong. ‘We are excited to be editing this series as we hope it will explore innovative research and scholarship in EAP and provide powerful scholarship for and by practitioners’. And finally, Following on form Nigel Harwood’s key note yesterday, advocating intra- institutional research collaborations with the disciplines, we/ I highly recommend inter-institutional working.

16 Correspondence ( ideas on next steps, scholarship) ( design) ( art) ( arch) ( TV&film) (Clare Carr, music)

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