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Background and Contact Information Pat Agard Mathematics teacher at Highlands High School (13th year) Teach: AP Stats, Pre-Calculus Adv., Algebra II Reg.

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Presentation on theme: "Background and Contact Information Pat Agard Mathematics teacher at Highlands High School (13th year) Teach: AP Stats, Pre-Calculus Adv., Algebra II Reg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background and Contact Information Pat Agard Mathematics teacher at Highlands High School (13th year) Teach: AP Stats, Pre-Calculus Adv., Algebra II Reg. B.A. in Mathematics - University of Virginia M.S. in Secondary Mathematics Education - Virginia Tech Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) – Virginia Tech Contact Information: phone: (859) 

2 Algebra II Regular The purpose of the Algebra II course is to develop students’ algebraic skills and their understanding of functions, especially linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and radical functions. The course also stresses the use of these functions in modeling real-world situations. Students will study the following topics: Linear functions and Systems of linear functions Quadratic functions and Complex numbers Polynomial functions and Roots of functions Power and Radical functions Exponential and Logarithmic functions Trigonometric functions Sequences and Series

3 A “Normal” Day in Algebra II
Students are: Working with partners and in small groups of 3-4 Working problems on the board and using the class calculator Taking notes during teacher explanations Teaching some topic that their group has been assigned to study and present Discussing ideas and comparing solution strategies Hopefully having some fun !!

4 Homework Homework is assigned almost every night.
Homework is checked for completion by the teacher at the start of every class. Students correct their own homework using the text and answers provided by the teacher. Each group of 4 asks to see one problem that nobody in the group could solve. Students volunteer to write their solution processes on the board and explain them. (Bonus points !) If at any point during the quarter, a student’s homework grade drops below a 60%, the parents will be notified. The student will be required to complete the missing assignment(s) under my supervision either before or after school. Failure to do so will result in an Academic Saturday.

5 Re-Takes and Extra Help
If a student does poorly on a quiz or test, s/he is offered the opportunity to re-take the assessment. Prerequisites to Re-Take: All class notes are complete and up-to-date All homework assignments are complete and up-to-date Corrections have been made on the original quiz/test

6 Re-Takes and Extra Help (Cont’d.)
The final grade is a weighted average with the original grade counting 40% and the re-take grade counting 60%. All re-takes must be completed usually within a week of the original assessment being returned to the students. Students may seek extra help from me either before school (7:30 – 8:00) or after school (2:45 – 3:30).

7 Determining Grades The quarter grades are determined as follows:
Homework % Quizzes % Tests % The grade is based on a 10-point scale.

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