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‘Where to get the money?’ comes after ‘Do I need the money?’

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Presentation on theme: "‘Where to get the money?’ comes after ‘Do I need the money?’"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Where to get the money?’ comes after ‘Do I need the money?’
Do You Need Investors? ‘Where to get the money?’ comes after ‘Do I need the money?’ © 2018

2 Choose the right investors and communicate effectively with them.
The Goal Choose the right investors and communicate effectively with them. © 2018

3 Key Points Types of Businesses Looking For Financing
Business stages & timing Cash required for each stage Example What not to do Your next steps Wrap up © 2018

4 Grab your worksheet and follow along.
© 2018

5 Types of Businesses Looking For Financing
No Chance Financing Too Late Financing No Reason Financing No Needing Financing Financed © 2018

6 Phase Planning Launch Growth © 2018

7 Timeframe © 2018

8 Planning Business cards? Webpage? Contracts? Action
© 2018

9 Cash Planning Launch Supplies / Office Space $2000
Business Cards / Webpage / Contracts $2500 © 2018

10 Business Cards / Webpage / Contracts
Sales Planning Business Cards / Webpage / Contracts Cost = $2500 Sales = $1000 © 2018

11 Example John Doe is excited to launch his Landscaping business. He is planning for courses and new equipment. John currently has savings of $5,000 to invest. Each sale is expected to generate $2000 in profit. In anticipation of the launch, he is projecting future investment requirements. Does he need investors? © 2018

12 Take landscape design certification course
Example Phase Timeframe Actions Cash Number of Sales Starting Position $5, 000 1 – Planning 4 Months Take landscape design certification course Rent equipment $1500 $5000 Pre-Launch Position $-1,500 © 2018

13 Now think about his launch and growth stage. Does he need investors?
Practice: Landscape Now think about his launch and growth stage. Does he need investors? © 2018

14 Practice: Landscape 2 – Launch 3 Months Advertising Hire assistant
$4000 $6000 3 For total of $6,000 Post-Launch Position -$5,500 3 – Growth 1 Year Hire staff Continue Advertising $10,000 15 for total of $30,000 Post-Growth Position $10,500 18 © 2018

15 Practice: Landscape John learns that he will need to obtain additional financing to fund the Planning and Launch phases of the business. John can see that for his overall business to be successful, he needs to be working on acquiring $5,500 worth of financing at a minimum, or his business will not be successful. © 2018

16 Top Mistakes To Avoid Ignoring cash flow because you don’t think it’s important. Not thinking ahead on how you will get funding, if you eventually need. No matter how many months or years it may be, always develop a plan just in case. Thinking that your personal credit score has little to do with whether you get a bank loan. Looking for investors at the very last minute. Using only a single investor and putting all your eggs in one basket. Incurring all of the expenses upfront even when you can hold off on some. © 2018

17 Now What? Figure our if you need funding
Figure out what type you need (Contracts for Investors) Begin facilitating that relationship Try and have options Prepare to negotiate © 2018

18 Key Points Types of Businesses Looking For Financing
Business stages & timing Cash required for each stage Example What not to do Your next steps Wrap up © 2018

19 Choose the right investors and communicate effectively with them.
The Goal Choose the right investors and communicate effectively with them. © 2018

20 You need investors if you need more cash than you have.
© 2018

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