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ENT364/4 – Control System Sazali Yaacob

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1 ENT364/4 – Control System Sazali Yaacob
BEng(Malaya), MSc(Surrey), PhD(Sheffield) Chartered Engineer, CEng (United Kingdom) Member Institute of Engineers and Technologist, MIET (United Kingdom)

2 Course Assessment Lecture 3 hours per week
Lab/Tutorial/Design 2 hours per week Final Examination 50 marks Mid-SemesterTest 10 marks Quiz/Design 25 marks Lab works 15 marks

3 Weekly Schedule Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Modeling Week 3: Modeling
Week 4: Time Response Week 5: Time Response Week 6: Time Response/Root Locus Week 7: Root Locus/Mid-Semester Revision

4 Weekly Schedule Week 8: Frequency Response Week 9: Frequency Response
Week 12: Design Week 13: Design Week 14: Revision

5 Introduction to control system
OBJECTIVES Basic terminologies. Open-loop and closed-loop Block diagrams Control structure Advantages and Disadvantages of closed-loop

6 Human control

7 System control

8 GPS Control

9 Force Control

10 Vision Control

11 Sound Control Block Diagram for Active Noise Cancellation BEFORE ANC
Primary Source (Loudspeaker) Secondary source (Actuator) Block Diagram for Active Noise Cancellation 24 cm Error Microphone Sensor Microphone 36 cm Primary path Error path 12 cm BEFORE ANC AFTER ANC

12 Satellite Control

13 Satellite Control

14 Satellite Control Magnetometer Magnetorquer Driver OBC ACS
Torque command for the MT Processed attitude data Attitude Ref

15 Process Control

16 Pilot Plant

17 Servo Control

18 Steering Control Complete System Set-up for Mobile Robot using Mecannum wheel

19 Omni-directional Motion for the Mobile Robot

20 Basics terminologies subsystem subsystem subsystem
Sub-system and System subsystem subsystem subsystem System is a combination of physical and non-physical components that are configured to serve certain tasks to maintain the output Subsystem is part of the system that is grouped for a certain function blower room thermostat

21 Plant subsystem input output plant
Plant is the main subsystem where the control signal will act on and produce the output . plant

22 Disturbance is unwanted signal that may sway the output
Controller is a subsystem that is used to ensure the output signal follows the input signal disturbance + input plant output controller

23 Error is a signal made up of the difference of input and output
disturbance + error + + input plant controller -

24 Control Structure For any control system the following flow structure is needed Objective model analysis design

25 Open-loop system Example of an open-loop system Turn table rheostat
motor rheostat amplifier motor Turn-table Required speed Actual speed

26 Closed-loop system example of closed-up system + - + - Turn-table
motor tachometer rheostat + - Differential amplifier + required speed Actual speed amplifier motor Turn-table tachometer -

27 Block Diagram input, R output, Y
Transfer function, H input, R output, Y Transfer function is the ratio of the ouput over the input variables The output signal can then be sderived as Example of multi-variables C + + R E + - B Block diagram reduction a b c a c H G = H.G

28 Control signal R(s) + E(s) Y(s) - B(s) E(s error signal
B(s) feedback signal R(s) reference signal Y(s) output signal Feed forward transfer function Feedback transfer function Open-loop transfer function Closed-loop transfer function B(s) E(s) Y(s) E(s) B(s) H(s) G(s) H(s)G(s)

29 Characteristic equation
Open-loop Assume, gives . Variable difference Characteristic equation

30 Model Physical model Graphical model Mathematical model
Example: Current-voltage relationship v – voltage in V i – current in A R – resistance in Ohm Example: Force-deflection realtionship di mana f – force in N k – spring constant x – displacement in m Mass-spring model sistem jisim-pegas - applied force x - displacement - reaction force

31 Example: Mass-spring model sistem jisim-pegas
f – force in N k – spring constant x – displacement in m Mass-spring model sistem jisim-pegas From Newton’s law where m is the mass and a is the acceleration. Substituting Lumped parameter model Ohm’s law Distributed parameter model Heated plate dan modelnya berbentuk


33 Torque-Speed Characteristics of a Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor

34 Identification procedure

35 Forward Plant Modeling

36 A two layer Artificial Neural Network

37 The Experimental Work


39 Analysis Transient state Steady state Stability
A state whereby the system response after a pertubation before the response approach to a steady condition Steady state A state whereby the system response becomes steady after a transient state Stability The condition of the steady state. If the response converges to a finite value then it is said to be in a stable condition and if the response diverges, it is known to be unstable.

40 Time response Transient s state Steady state

41 Example of Time Response

42 Design * Analogue controller A controller that used analogue subsystem
* Digital Controller A controller that used computeras its subsystem computer drive plant sensor _ + referene input Actual output


44 The Control Experiment.

45 The Induction Motor Unit Step Speed Response with the
Direct Inverse Control Scheme

46 The Error in the Speed of the Induction Motor with Direct Inverse Control Scheme

47 Speed Response to a Sine Wave Reference Signal under DIC Scheme.

48 Speed Response to a Ramp Wave Reference Signal under DIC Scheme.

49 Speed Response to a Square Wave Reference Signal under DIC Scheme.

50 Advantage of feedback loop
(1) Not susceptible to disturbance d + + y r + - H Assume , then changes in y is negligible Not sensitive to parameters changed

51 (2) Insensitive to changes in parameters
Consider r + y - H Define sensitvity as where T is the transfer function of the system  is the parameter of the system. . . Closed-loop transfer function Let us investigate the effect on the system when the plant is subjected to perturbance i.e., If , thus

52 (3) Increased in bandwidth
Consider a first order where K is the dc gain and T is the time constant If a feedback is applied + - a The closed-loop transfer function is Hence the new time constant is reduced

53 (4) Accurate control. Output for open loop Output for feedback system
If , thus .

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