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Materials Certification List

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1 Materials Certification List
Quarterly Design Meeting 02/07

2 The Materials Certification List (MCL) is a project specific document that allows the designer to direct what materials are used on the project and who approves them. This is an overview to explain the importance of the MCL throughout the design, construction and project closeout processes.

3 Sample of completed MCL for various items

4 Overview Careful preparation of the MCL benefits the Designer, the Contractor, the Project Engineer, and ultimately, the traveling public. The MCL ensures that high quality, approved products are easily incorporated into the work.

5 Vocabulary MCL – Materials Certification List. The list of material certifications required by the Contract. MCL Coordinator – Lead Materials Rover, Quality Assurance Section, Construction QPL – Qualified Products List. Items on this list need no further approval for use on the project. QA – Quality Assurance Section

6 MCL Preparation The project MCL is developed in Design for inclusion in the Pre PS&E assembly. (The MCL Coordinator will assist first timers in the preparation of the MCL.) Bridge Design, Traffic and Utilities prepare their portion of the MCL. QA reviews the MCL. Comments are addressed in Final PS&E. A review at Final PS&E can be requested of QA. We want it right!

7 Here’s why: The MCL assists the Designer in controlling the submittal approval process. The MCL helps the Designer ensure that the planned materials are used. The MCL assists the Contractor by listing required certifications. The MCL is used Statewide, so Contractors know what to expect in all regions.

8 Here’s why, cont’d. The MCL assists Project Engineers by listing the level of approval for each item, and gives them more latitude in approving materials at the project level, saving time and $$$. This reduces the work load of the Designer, the Contractor, and the Project Engineer and simplifies project record keeping requirements.

9 Summary The benefits of careful preparation of the MCL continue throughout the life of the project. The MCL reduces guesswork for the Contractor and the Project Engineer, reduces the time spent tracking down certifications, and speeds up the project closeout process. All of the above reduce project costs, to the benefit of the traveling public.

10 Where to Get More Information
For questions, contact the MCL Coordinator at The Master MCL and the QPL can be downloaded from the Statewide Materials Quality Assurance resource webpage:

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