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Status of the measurement data checking process

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1 Status of the measurement data checking process
Anne Hjellbrekke, NILU

2 EMEP data flow Data submitted should be quality controlled and in correct format Format check/conversion Quality control; corrections/flagging in cooperation with data submitters Storage in EMEP data base Annual data reports Data base mirrored on the web

3 Austria NO2 and SO2 data deleted due to instrumental problems (DOAS):
AT02 Nov 1995 – Mar 1999 AT04 Jul 1993 – Apr 1999 EMEP and national data base compared and equal EMEP data base updated

4 Croatia All precipitation data from Nov 1980 to Dec 2001 resubmitted in excel August 2002 have never been reported to EMEP Data from the two stations swapped in 1994 Data missing mid Oct-Dec 1991 and Oct-Dec 1993 (HR02) Ca and Cl 1996 stored with one decimal A few samples shifted one day Single values corrected (amount) SO2/NO2 data are of questionable quality and flagged as invalid BDL values not reported EMEP data base updated for

5 Czech Republic Corrections sent Feb/Aug/Oct 2002
Ozone data deleted Ozone data realculated by CHMI Ammonia in air at CZ flagged as invalid Corrected air data sets (SO2 1991, HNO3 1993, NH4 1992) One day shift in daily data 1998 and 1999 NH4 (p) stored as mg NH4/l Single values corrected for precip data , mainly precipitation amount EMEP data base updated

6 Estonia Corrections received September 2001 EMEP data base updated
Missing SO4 (a) at EE submmitted NO2 at EE – missing on the web (bug in file conversion routines) EMEP data base updated

7 Finland Corrections received January 2002
FI04 Apr – Dec 1986: NH4+ (p) and NO3- (p) swapped FI : All daily data shifted 6 months (bug in file conversion) Wrong unit for conductivity (FI04/FI , FI ) Different reference temperature for NO2: 0º C , 20º C from 1994 Daily means for NO2 calculated from 0 – 0 UTC, while daily measurements are 6 – 6 UTC. EMEP data base mostly updated (waiting for resubmission of hourly NO2 data)

8 France Data checking in progress
Incorrect flagging of 1999 data corrected

9 Hungary No corrections received
Measurements are routinely compared with EMEP data base

10 Ireland (Met Eireann) Corrections received October 2002
Conductivity missing February 1992 Detection limit for NH4 and NO corrected from 0.02 to 0.01 A few single corrections for most components One sample missing the Met Eireann data base EMEP data base not yet updated

11 Italy (IT01) Corrections sent August 2002
NH stored as ug NH3/m3 SO stored as ug SO2/m3 Monthly mean values corrected for SO2, NO3 and SO4 1994; waiting for resubmission of raw data

12 Latvia Corrections sent October 2001 EMEP data base updated Ca 1993
NH4 1993, K/SO2/SO4 (a) 1994 (BDL flags) sNO3 1994, sNH4 1994 New data set for NO2 Jan 1990 – May 1991 (stored as ug NO2/m3) EMEP data base updated

13 Lithuania Corrections received February 2002 EMEP data base updated
NH3 and HNO3 data from 1992 swapped A few single values corrected, mainly NO and SO2 1996 EMEP data base updated

14 Netherlands Have been in contact regarding format for submitting corrections No corrections received

15 Norway Comparison of EMEP data base with national data base did not reveal any significant discrepancies NH3+NH4 at NO55 flagged as invalid

16 Portugal Precipitation data from 1998 and 1999 resubmitted
precipitation amount from 1998 are official gauge lots of data missing, mainly small precipitation amounts EMEP data base updated

17 Slovakia Data have been checked
Waiting for corrections to be submitted

18 Slovenia All data checked by January 2002 No discrepancies found

19 Sweden Corrections received February 2002 EMEP data base updated
A few data sets resubmitted: NO2 SE02/SE05/SE NH3+NH4 and HNO3+NO3 SE SO2 SE NH3+NH4 SE Single values Precipitation amount flagged with 599 (invalid) Acidity / pH Aggregates on web when data capture is low EMEP data base updated

20 Yugoslavia Corrections for sulphur compounds in air and precipiation received on paper (June 2001) All compounds should be checked and submitted electronically EMEP data base not updated

21 Status No corrections In progress EMEP data base updated
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland (ESB), JRC Ispra, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, UK In progress France, Netherlands, Slovakia EMEP data base updated except Croatia , Ireland

22 Common problems Data checking not complete
Most corrections are on single values Early data not in defined electronic format Lack of control of published values Errors when mirroring data on web Poor documentation in countries Documentation of metadata

23 Belgium No corrections received

24 Denmark No corrections received

25 Germany No corrections received

26 Greece No corrections received

27 Iceland No corrections received

28 Ireland (ESB) No corrections received

29 JRC Ispra (IT04) No corrections received

30 Poland No corrections received

31 Russia No corrections received

32 Switzerland No corrections received

33 Turkey No corrections received

34 United Kingdom No corrections received

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