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Russian Academy of Science Institute for Problem in Mechanics Roman N. Bardakov Internal wave generation problem exact analytical and numerical solution.

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Presentation on theme: "Russian Academy of Science Institute for Problem in Mechanics Roman N. Bardakov Internal wave generation problem exact analytical and numerical solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russian Academy of Science Institute for Problem in Mechanics Roman N. Bardakov Internal wave generation problem exact analytical and numerical solution

2 Basic set of equations Boundary conditions

3 Navier-Stokes equation for stream function

4 Exact solution for stream function Dispersion equation

5 Velocity absolute value L = 1 cm, plate moving speed U = 0.25 cm/s, buoyancy period T b = 14 s. (Fr = U/LN = 0.55, Re =UL/ = 25, = UT b = 3.5 cm).

6 Vertical component of velocity L = 1 cm, plate moving speed U = 0.25 cm/s, buoyancy period Tb = 14 s. (Fr = U/LN = 0.55, Re =UL/n = 25, l = UTb = 3.5 cm).


8 Stream lines (N = 0.45 s -1, U=0.25 cm/s =UT b =3.5 cm, L=4 cm, Fr = 0.14)

9 Absolute value (left) and horizontal component (right) of velocity boundary layer (U = 1 cm/s, L = 4 cm, Fr = 0.56, Re = 400, N = 0.45 s -1, = UT b = 14 cm).

10 Vertical component of velocity boundary layer (U = 1 cm/s, L = 4 cm, Fr = 0.56, Re = 400, N = 0.45 s -1, = UT b = 14 cm).

11 =7.5 с, =0.11 см, =20 см, =2.6

12 Vertical component of velocity (N = 0.45 s -1, U=0.25 cm/s, =UT b = 3.5 cm, Fr = 0.014, Re = 1000)

13 Absolute value and vertical component of velocity. (N = 1 s -1, T b = 6 s, U=0.01 cm/s, =UT b =0.06 cm, L=1 cm, Fr = 0.01, Re = 1)

14 Comparing with experimental results


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