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Senior class of 2019 Atlantic sharks.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior class of 2019 Atlantic sharks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior class of 2019 Atlantic sharks

2 Gold tulip Senior Class Flower

3 All in this together . . . . . . High School Musical
Senior Class Song All in this together High School Musical

4 Senior Class motto

5 Upcoming events: Senior Awards: Senior Awards is a scholarship and awards ceremony where we honor seniors who have excelled in academic endeavors. Important! - If you applied for a scholarship, you must be in attendance for the honors night ceremony to get the scholarship!

6 Senior Awards Ceremony: When
Senior Awards Ceremony: When? Thursday May 6:00 (Students must arrive by 5:15) Where? Bethune Cookman University Dress Code: Cap & Gown


8 Baccalaureate (This is not a school sponsored event):
When? Tuesday, May 6:00 pm Where? Our Lady of Hope, Port Orange Dress Code: Cap & Gown

9 Senior Breakfast: Senior Breakfast: When? Friday, May 17
Where? AHS 9:00 am Prizes will be given out!

10 Cap & Gown: Distribution
Tuesday, April 30th during lunchtime in the Media Center. Graduation Dues ($65) and obligations must be paid by April 30th to receive your cap & gown. Any gowns not picked up on this day will be available in the Activities Office, inside the Media Center after April 30th.


12 Graduation Pictures: Graduation Pictures: Dean Stewart Photography will be our official graduation photographer this year. Please visit school/ to pre-register in order to be notified when your pictures are ready for viewing.

13 Graduation Requirements Deadline:
When? May 10: all VVS and FLVS must be completed at this time May 17: all courses, including Odyssey credit retrieval


15 Graduation Practice is Mandatory
When? Thursday, May 7:30AM at the OCEAN CENTER

16 Graduation Practice : Where to Park:
Free Parking will be in the SOUTH LOT next to Peabody Auditorium Park & be inside the arena by 7:00AM

17 Graduation Ceremony: Sunday June 2 @ 12:00pm
Graduates must arrive inside the arena by 10:00am, dressed & ready Ocean Center, Daytona Beach

18 Graduation Tickets: $3.00 each/Parking Passes: $5.00 per vehicle
When: Monday, May 13 – Wednesday, May 29 TICKETS can be purchased in the Book Keeping office from Mrs. Haffa. After May 29, tickets can only be purchased at the Ocean Center gate on the day of graduation. All guests will need a ticket to enter the ceremony and each car will need a parking pass.

19 For sale: Monday, May 13 – Wednesday, May 29
Graduation Tickets for sale: For sale: Monday, May 13 – Wednesday, May 29 In Person tickets can be purchased in the Book Keeping office from Mrs. Haffa. After May 29, tickets can only be purchased at the Ocean Center gate on the day of graduation. All guests will need a ticket to enter the ceremony and each car will need a parking pass.

20 Dress Code & Expectations for ALL Senior Events

21 Expectations for the Class of 2019
As a 2019 Atlantic Shark Senior, thank you in advance for providing a great example to students with your mature and responsible behavior  Participation in ALL SENIOR EVENTS is a privilege & not a right Each Senior Shark will conduct himself/herself in a manner appropriate to the occasion and will always be respectful to his/her fellow classmates, school personnel, family, and guests in attendance. Disrespectful or disruptive behavior such as described in the student code of conduct shall be grounds for removal from ALL SENIOR EVENTS, including graduation ceremonies.

22 Dress Code for Graduation
Hairstyles are to be kept simple so that graduation caps will fit on the head properly. Caps are to be level on head and may not be decorated. Leave sunglasses, hats, phones and purses at home or in your vehicle. There will be no one to care for valuables during the ceremonies. NO GUM! No extra adornments on the gown such as corsages, pins, medals, etc. Only those items distributed by Atlantic HS personnel can be worn on or over the gown.

23 Dress Code for Graduation
Female Graduates: Wear a cool, lightweight dress or skirt and blouse under the graduation gown; choose a style with simple neckline which will not interfere with the neckline of the graduation gown. Dresses should not hang below the graduation gown.

24 Dress Code for Graduation
Male Graduates: Wear black or navy dress pants and black dress shoes. Wear a dress shirt with a collar and a men’s tie. – no jeans, sneakers, topsiders, flip flops, or sandals are allowed.

25 Diploma Pick Up: Beginning June 10th In the main office 8am – Noon
1pm – 3pm


27 Friday, April 12th MEET IN AUDITORIUM AT 3:30PM

28 Seniors are NOT permitted to wear are with school name or logo
DRESS CODE GUIDELINES Seniors are NOT permitted to wear are with school name or logo No jerseys of any kind are permitted

29 All bags and purses must be under the size of 8. 5” x 5
All bags and purses must be under the size of 8.5” x 5.5” (half a sheet of paper) Drawstring nylon bags are allowed as long as they fall within the 14” x 18” size requirement Fanny packs are encouraged

BEFORE loading the BUS Including pockets

31 Bring money for snacks & souvenirs


33 Tickets go on sale: April 23 during lunch only
Saturday, May 11, 2019 8pm - Midnight Tickets go on sale: April 23 during lunch only in the Media Center

34 Prom Theme:

35 TICKET PRICES: $55 each purchased April 23 – 30 $65 each purchased
May $100 at the door

36 ALL OBLIGATIONS must be PAID before purchasing tickets.

37 Junior and Senior Prom:
All others must have approved guest contract signed by SRC office

38 PROM 2019 at the Hard Rock

39 Park Here

40 Atlantic High School PROM 2019 at the Hard Rock
Saturday, May 11, 2019 8pm - Midnight Tickets go on sale: April 23 during lunch only in the Media Center Atlantic High School PROM 2019 at the Hard Rock TICKETS: $55 each purchased April / $65 each purchased May Junior and Senior Prom: All others must have approved guest contract signed by SRC office $100 at the door All obligations must be paid before purchasing tickets.

41 Join remind to receive all important

42 We look forward to Celebrating the Class of 2019!
THANK YOU ! We look forward to Celebrating the Class of 2019!

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