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Discuss Can you decode this keyword?

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Presentation on theme: "Discuss Can you decode this keyword?"— Presentation transcript:

1 IRead Keywords @washwoodheath
Discuss Can you decode this keyword? You should be very familiar with this word. What does it actually mean to ‘discuss’? When exam questions ask you to ‘discuss’ what do you need to do in your response?

2 Learn the prefix ‘dis’ which means ‘away’ or ‘apart’
The focus is on offering a different point of view. Can you think of any other words which begin with the prefix ‘dis’ and decode for the meaning?

3 Words beginning ‘dis’ disable disagree disadvantage disallow disappear
 disarrange  disapprove  disbelieve  discomfort  discontented  disembark  disentangle  disinfect  disinformation  disinterest  disinterred  dislike  dislocate  dislodge  disloyal  disobedient  disobey  disorder  disorganized  displaced  dispossess  disqualified  disregard  disrespect  dissatisfied  dissimilar  distasteful  distrust  disunited disused

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