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Nativism and Now Immigration.

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Presentation on theme: "Nativism and Now Immigration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nativism and Now Immigration

2 Australian / U.S. Conflict
Refugee crisis

3 Trump’s Executive Order
90 day ban on immigration Four month ban on refugees Bars 218 million people from entering U.S.



6 San Bernardino Shooting


8 Terrorist Safe Havens

9 State Sponsors of Terror

10 Terrorist Network Bases and Operations

11 Terrorist Cells




15 Percent Muslim Libya: 97% Sudan: 97% Somalia: 100% Iraq: 97% Iran: 99%
Yemen: 99%

16 Nativism Anti-Immigration feelings against Asians Jews
Eastern Europeans

17 Nativism Protestants vs. Catholics Catholics- subject to Pope
Protestants- not subject to papal authority U.S. mostly Protestant

18 Nativism Labor Unions Low wages Strikebreakers

19 Nativism Chinese Immigration Workingman’s Party of California
Pogroms (violent riots)

20 Why was there conflict between U. S
Why was there conflict between U.S. citizens and the Asians, Jews, and Eastern Europeans?

21 Why has there been conflict between Christians and Muslims?

22 What could heal Christian-Islamic relations?

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