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Fig. S1 HO Kan HygB Tetrads MATa MATα x4 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. S1 HO Kan HygB Tetrads MATa MATα x4 1 2 3 4 5 6"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. S1 HO Kan HygB Tetrads MATa MATα x4 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure S1. Hybrid collection construction. Presented is an example for two parental strains with different genomes that are represented by green and red. The construction steps are numbered above. The wild strains were sporulated and single spores with an active HO (step 1, black section) were allowed to diploidize on themselves and form homozygous diploids (step 2). The diploid of each strain was transformed with the KanMX4 and HygBMX4 drug resistance cassettes to replace the HO gene (step 3) and positive diploids were sporulated. Dissection of tetrads (step 4) enabled selection of eight haploids per strain (step 5, two with each of the resistance and the mating type combinations). Mating strains with opposite mating types and different drug resistance yielded eight parental homozygous diploids of each strain and eight hybrids (step 6). All strains included reciprocal crosses to eliminate possible effects of drug resistance and mating type.

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