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Physical parts of an artwork

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Presentation on theme: "Physical parts of an artwork"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical parts of an artwork
Elements of Art Physical parts of an artwork

2 Why do we need to know this?
These form the foundation for everything we as artists do. These are the things we create and express ourselves with. Without mastering these ideas and concepts our art will not look good to other people.

3 A point or path moving through space
Line A point or path moving through space

4 Different types of lines
Real there is a physical line you can see with your eyes Implied Your eye moves from one object to another along a path Edge A difference between color, value, or texture or combination of these

5 Real Line

6 Implied Line

7 Implied

8 Edges

9 Shape {Flat 2-D} A defined area

10 Geometric These have mathematical based formulas.
Examples ellipses, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons.



13 Organic These are irregular and free-form
Think of more naturally occurring shapes.



16 Form {Depth 3-D} A defined area

17 Geometric These have mathematical based formulas.
Examples are cube, cylinder, cone, sphere.



20 Organic These are irregular and free-form
Think of more naturally occurring Forms.



23 The area available to work in.
Space The area available to work in.

24 Different types of Space
Positive The space actually occupied by an object in an artist’s work. Negative Unoccupied area of an object in an artist’s work.



27 Relative lightness or darkness
Value Relative lightness or darkness

28 The more values you use the easier it is to separate your objects.

29 VALUE HELPS create form/depth/mass/volume

30 The way something feels or looks like it feels
Texture The way something feels or looks like it feels

31 Real or actual texture Texture you can feel physically through sense of touch



34 Implied texture is the illusion of texture Texture you can’t feel physically but you perceive through sense of sight.



37 Color Reflected light

38 All the wave lengths of light hit the object and the reflected light is what we see

39 Sources of Color

40 Hue Name of the color

41 Primary color- must have (cannot mix these)
Yellow, Blue, Red Secondary- mix two primary Green, Violet, Orange Tertiary/Intermediate- between the primary and secondary color. Yellow green Blue green Red violet Blue violet Red orange Yellow orange

42 Value Lighter Darker

43 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

44 Intensity/Saturation How bright or dull a color is
High= Bright Low= Dull

45 Value

46 Value

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