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PowerPoint for Wednesday October 15th

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1 PowerPoint for Wednesday October 15th

2 10/14/2014 Warm up 6. Made of both liquid and solid Densest layer
Identify which layer of the Earth is being described Inner core, Outer Core, Mantle , Crust 6. Made of both liquid and solid 7. Made up of solid metals 8. Made up of liquid metals 9. Coolest layer 10. Least dense layer Densest layer Hottest layer Where you live Thickest layer Thinnest layer Mantle Inner Core Inner Core Inner Core Crust Outer Core Crust Mantle Crust Crust Cut out the pieces of the Earth from yesterday…all trash in the trash cans please..

3 Add red notes to you definitions on page 36

4 Pangaea Long ago, all the Earth’s continents were just one giant continent This giant landmass that broke into our present day continents is called PANGAEA Supercontinent

5 Have You Ever Noticed How Certain Continents Seem to Fit Together?
Look at this picture of the world. Which continents do you think look like they could fit together?

6 Cut out your puzzle pieces from yesterday and try to fit them together in a puzzle. Go to the next slide when finished to see what they should look like.

7 Glue on the back of page 35 Dot Dot not a lot!

8 Tectonic Plates These plates are formed from the cracking of the lithosphere.

9 Under every continent is a gigantic slate made of rock.
These are called tectonic plates. As the plates move apart, land masses move as well. Designed by Cody Thomas. 9/3/2011

10 Continental Drift The theory that the continents moved across the Earth’s surface Theory of Alfred Wegener Very very very slow Inches a year However, this process is VERY slow. Current estimates believe it took over 225 million years to move as far as they have. Continental drift

11 Theory of plate tectonics
A theory stating that the Earth’s Lithosphere is broken into huge plates that move and change size over time

12 The Earth is constantly changing
Uniformitarianism A theory stating that processes shaping the Earth today , such as erosion and deposition also shaped Earth in the past and that these processes cause large changes over geologic time. The Earth is constantly changing

13 Mid Ocean Ridge HUGE underwater mountain range
Found in all of the Earth’s ocean Helps explain continental drift

14 BACK OF 36 … dot dot not a lot

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