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Providing 100% throughput for non-uniform Bernoulli traffic

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1 Providing 100% throughput for non-uniform Bernoulli traffic
Shang-Tse (Da) Chuang Siva Gaggara

2 Motivation Maximum Weight Matching can provide 100% throughput with a speedup of 1. (McKeown) (Dai,Prabhakar) Any maximal matching algorithm can provide 100% throughput with a speedup of 2. (Dai,Prabhakar) What speedup is required to provide 100% throughput using a practical maximal matching algorithm?

3 Problem Statement Find λmax
non-uniform Bernoulli traffic with rate λij Σi λij < λmax and Σj λij < λmax FPWWFA is the maximal matching algorithm

4 Wrapped Wave Front Arbiter (Tamir) reminder
1 2 3

5 Friends, Strangers, Enemies
1 2 3 λ21 λ31 λ11 λ22 λ32 λ12 λ23 λ33 λ13 Flows λ11,λ21,λ32, and λ33 are enemies Flows λ12,λ13, and λ22 are strangers Flow λ23 is a friend

6 The “L” Traffic Pattern
1 3 2 (1-λ11) λ21 λ31 λ11 λ32 λ33 λ21 Q31 service rate = = Thus, for this traffic pattern, λmax = 0.75

7 Throughput Formula λ21 λ31 λ11 λ32 λ23 λ33 Q31 service rate =
(1-λ11)(1-λ23) λ21 λ31 λ11 λ32 λ23 λ33 λ33 (1-λ23)(1-λ32) Q31 service rate = Greater than L-traffic analysis for all λ23

8 Simulation λ11 = 0.2, λ21 = 0.3, λ32 = 0.15, λ33 = 0.35

9 Conclusions λmax = 0.75 for “L” traffic pattern
Found throughput formula that matches simulation for any non-uniform Bernoulli traffic pattern for a 3x3 switch We believe that λmax = 0.75 is true for any non-uniform Bernoulli traffic pattern for any switch size

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