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U.S. Government/Citizenship

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Government/Citizenship"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Government/Citizenship

2 What is citizenship? A good citizen has many responsibilities:
Respecting and protecting the rights of others Taking part in the voting process when making decisions Describing actions that can improve the school and community Demonstrating self-discipline, responsibility, honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, and caring. When you have citizenship you are learning to be a great American.

3 What is diversity? Diversity is when it’s okay for people to be different. Diversity is different languages, skin colors, nationalities.

4 What are benefits of diversity?
Benefits of diversity here in America include food, clothing, and music. What are some of the foods we get from other cultures? What are some of the clothes? What is some music we get from other cultures?

5 What is a community? A community is a place where people live, work, and play. Is our school a community? Why or why not?

6 What is ethnic origin? Ethnic means— your families background
Origin means— where your family is from Ethnic origin is where a person or their family is from.

7 What are customs and traditions?
Customs and traditions are something that families do for certain events or celebrations. What are examples of customs and traditions your family has? What are examples of customs and traditions that we as American Citizens have?

8 What is transportation?
Transportation is a way of moving people and things from one place to another. What are examples of transportation? Airplane Car Train Metro Boat

9 What is population? The population of Virginia is 7,642,884!
A population is the number of people living in a community. What is the population of our class?

10 What is a place where people live, work, and play?
Climate Community Population Transportation

11 2. The number of people who live in a town is the town’s-
F. Community G. Environment H. Population J. Climate

12 3. How do American’s help their community?
Wearing the same clothes Going to school Showing the flag Being a good citizen

13 4. _______is when it’s okay for people to be different.
F. Climate G. Community H. Population J. Diversity

14 5. Where a person or their family is from is their ___
Climate Community Ethnic Origin Diversity

15 6. The Fourth of July is an example of a ____
F. Custom and Tradition G. Community H. Population J. Transportation

16 7. A way of moving people and things from one place to another is___.
Climate Community Population Transportation

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