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1 of 7 Peter Loader @ TLT Advertising How to sell oranges orangeTM.

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1 1 of 7 Peter TLT Advertising How to sell oranges orangeTM

2 Orange wants to be your friend!
2 of 7 Peter TLT Orange links itself to things we like to do, so that when we do them we think of Orange. Even if they are not there! orangeTM Orange wants to be your friend!

3 What does everyone love?
3 of 7 Peter TLT What does everyone love? Everyone loves movies, so Orange let us go for free.

4 What does everyone love?
4 of 7 Peter TLT What does everyone love? Everyone loves Football, so Orange sponsors Liverpool. Arsenal Liverpool (the greatest football team ever) is sponsored by Orange

5 What does everyone love?
5 of 7 Peter TLT What does everyone love? Everyone loves music. So Orange have special offers to music events.

6 How Orange advertises Orange advertises in Newspapers Magazines On TV
6 of 7 Peter TLT How Orange advertises Orange advertises in Newspapers Magazines On TV On buses The Internet In the post Anywhere else?

7 Where! everywhere! everywhere! Orange is everywhere!
7 of 7 Peter TLT everywhere! everywhere! Where! everywhere! Orange is everywhere! So you will never forget them! everywhere! everywhere! everywhere! everywhere! everywhere! everywhere!

8 This powerpoint was kindly donated to
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