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The Great Controversy Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Controversy Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Controversy Introduction

2 Background The Bible only The Spirit above the Bible
Tradition above the Bible

3 Results Rejection of Tradition (Radical Reformers, Evangelicals)
Rejection of those things forbidden in the Bible? Rejection of everything that is not written in the Bible? Rejection of the possibility of present day prophets Consequently rejection of E.G. White writings as being inspired

4 Communication of God to Humans
Directly (cut off through sin) Through the Spirit Ten Commandments (given and formulated by God) The books of the Bible (given by God and formulated by men) The writings of other prophets (given by God and formulated by men)

5 Relationship E.G. White and Bible
Communication of God to humans The Bible The Writings of E.G. White Therefore, both must be in harmony with one another

6 Relationship Between the Bible and E.G. White
The work of the Spirit of Prophecy The work of Lucifer Supreme in the affections and allegiance God’s Word Men God’s Word Men Draws service and affection to himself E.G. White Lucifer “...the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light.” Evangelism, p. 256 “Has God indeed said...” Genesis 3:1

7 Different Ways of Divine Communication: the Treasure and the Vessel
Spiritual content Historical content Language Translation to our language Direct Communication Is infallible Is absolutely correct Is perfect No need of translation The Ten Commandments Is infallible Is absolutely correct Is perfect as human language can be Is not perfect The Books of the Bible Is infallible Is mostly correct Is not perfect Is not perfect The Writings of E.G. White Is infallible Was sometimes corrected in minor points Was corrected Needs correction God’s other Messenger (no prophet) Is correct on essential points Is honest, but fallible Needs correction Needs correction

8 Practical Consequences
The Bible and the writings of E.G. White: Which must be proven by which? Are there different degrees of inspiration? What are the practical consequences? For the believer in the SOP? For the ignorant world? For the skeptic? What consequences does this have for the book?

9 Plagiarism E.G. White is charged of plagiarism
What is true in the charges made? What is false in these charges? What is the simple explanation?

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