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Wednesday, September 13th, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, September 13th, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, September 13th, 2018
Welcome to Grade 2 Wednesday, September 13th, 2018

2 Grade 2 Mrs. Lewis 5 years teaching 22 years at AHM

3 A Day in the Classroom 8:30 - Change for classroom, empty school bags, and put everything in the appropriate spot. Copy homework. 8:45 - Math Flex Groups 9:45 - Recess 10:00 - Literacy 5 Star Sentences Morning Message Daily Five: Guided Reading, Literacy Flex groups Writer’s Workshop Phonological Awareness

4 A Day in the Classroom Continued…
12:00-12:20- Lunch 12:20-12:45- Recess 12:45-1:30- Math, Music, You & Your World, Phys. Ed 1:45- Dismissal

5 Cafeteria Routine Put money in a zip lock bag or envelop.
Write your child’s name and what they want to order on a piece of paper and put it in with the order. Put the envelop in your child’s homework bag or lunch bag. When your child get to school they are responsible to put it in the cafeteria container so it can be taken to the cafeteria. Please remind your child they are getting lunch. If they do not put the order in they may not get the lunch they wanted.

6 Homework Reading Log Math Facts Monkey Math
Please check homework bag/agenda for notices and remove nightly

7 Homework - continued Agenda- Please check daily
Money- Please put money(cafeteria, book orders, etc.) in a ziplock with child’s name on it


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