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Bio-LIFE Diversity-VARIETY

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Presentation on theme: "Bio-LIFE Diversity-VARIETY"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio-LIFE Diversity-VARIETY
Biodiversity Bio-LIFE Diversity-VARIETY

2 Benefits of Biodiversity
Biodiversity: number and variety of different species in an area Do we know how many species there are? Levels of biodiversity Species Ecosystem Genetic Stability of an ecosystem is linked directly to biodiversity We depend on healthy ecosystems for a healthy biosphere to cycle nutrients and energy

3 Benefits (continued) Every species is dependent on or depended upon by AT LEAST one other species Remove a species…remove a thread from the web…how long before web collapses? Keystone species: critical to the functioning of an ecosystem because it affects the survival and abundance of many other species in the community

4 Biodiversity Gene: piece of DNA that codes for a specific trait and can be inherited Genetic diversity is critical to population survival Bottleneck—populations that drop can rebound, but with limited genes Biodiversity gives us: Agriculture Industry Medicine Recreation—Ecotourism: tourism that supports conservation and sustainable development (in unique areas)

5 Biodiversity at Risk Mass extinction: extinction of many species in a relatively* short amount of time We are in the midst of a mass extinction Endangered species: a species that is likely to become extinct if protective measures are not taken immediately Threatened species: on that has declining populations and is likely to become endangered

6 Humans and extinction Habitat destruction and fragmentation
Introduction of invasive species Exotic species: not native to a region Harvesting, hunting, poaching Poaching: illegal harvesting of fish, game or other wildlife Pollution

7 Critical biodiversity
Endemic species: native to and found ONLY within a limited area Tropical Rain forests 7% of land area; 50% of species Coral reefs and Coastal areas Major amount of species, limited area Islands Biodiversity hotspots: many endangered species in the same area

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