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Does having a relationship with God transform lives?

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Presentation on theme: "Does having a relationship with God transform lives?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does having a relationship with God transform lives?
If you met Jesus how would it change your life?

2 Are Evil and Suffering a problem in today’s world?

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7 http://www. dailymail. co

8 Conversion Experiences

9 What life lessons can we learn from Saint....
The person was a saint, but were they always holy? Did they commit any crimes? What was wrong with their life? Did they need ‘saved’ from something? How did they respond to the situation they found themselves in? Were there similarities & differences in upbringing/jobs? What happened to ‘change’ them? How did they act after this change? Did they stay true to that change?

10 Having a relationship with God transforms lives:
If you met Jesus would it change your life? Do people deserve a 2nd Chance or are they Chancers? The Conversion of Saints – What can we learn? Any connection between the saints and our 2nd chancers? Do humans react in similar ways in certain situations? Can we meet God in unexpected places – Can we be introduced to him in prison? What role do Faith, Hope and Love play? If we have done something wrong, how can that bring us closer to God and others? When have you been converted? When you meet Jesus does it change your life?

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