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The Judicial Branch The Courts.

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1 The Judicial Branch The Courts

2 Dual Court System Federal Courts – powers derive from the Constitution and federal laws. State Courts – powers come from state laws and state constitutions.

3 Jurisdiction Authority of specific courts to hear certain kinds of cases. State v. Federal (overlap can occur)

4 Concurrent Jurisdiction
Both federal and state courts have jurisdiction.

5 Original & Appellate Jurisdiction
Trial court (original jurisdiction)– a court in which a case is originally tried. Appellate court – if you lose in trial court you may appeal it here.

6 Civil Law Disputes between two or more individuals or individuals and the government. Plaintiff – person who brings the charges. Defendant – person against whom the suit is brought.

7 Criminal Law U.S. government charges someone with breaking a federal law. Prosecution – the federal government. Defendant

8 Equity Law When disputes are resolved based on fairness.
Injunction – Plaintiff asks court to forbid a defendant to continue a certain action. Writ of mandamus – Asking a court to require a specific action. =

9 4 Basic Principles of All Courts
1. Equal justice under the law. 2. Due process of law. 3. Presumption of innocence. 4. Adversary system – courtroom is fair to both sides.

10 Assignment U.S. Court System Graphic Organizer – Due tomorrow!

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