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Unit 10: Northern Industrialization.

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1 Unit 10: Northern Industrialization.
Major changes and major revolts

2 Agenda March 23, 2017 Do Now: A revolution is a major change in a society or political system. What historical events do you view as “revolutionary”? Please provide me with two examples that you consider revolutionary and provide me a reason why. Hand out and review E.Q. Sheets. Complete Ed Puzzle activity. Complete writing prompt. HW: E.Q. sheets due April 11th 2017. Test April 11th 2017.

3 Ed Puzzle video
Answer questions and write comments in Notebook.

4 Railroad Map What region of the country has the most railroads by 1850? How might this impact the regions economic development? Why might the other region lack many rail lines?

5 Exit Ticket Based on the video on the Market Revolution what was a major technological, or transportation change that impacted the North during the market revolution and how did Northerners react to this change? 1 major technological or transportation change. 1 reaction to this change (governmental policy, economic, literary, opposition). 1 reason why you think the change you selected was important for Northern development? Answer on notebook paper and turn in to the period basket.

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