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Postwar Issues Chapter 20 Section 1.

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1 Postwar Issues Chapter 20 Section 1

2 Nativism & Isolationism overtake the country
Communism becomes a huge fear for many Americans The fear of communism is known as the “Red Scare” The communist party in the US formed after WWI and included the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World Union)

3 Attn. Gen. Palmer & Hoover hunt down communists, socialists, and anarchists
The raids did not turn up anything substantial

4 Nicola Sacco & Bartalomeo Vanzetti
Italian immigrants Anarchists Evaded WWI draft Arrested in 1920 for a robbery b/c they were Italian Convicted and sentenced to death even though they had alibis Many protests throughout the world Executed Aug. 23, 1927

5 New Immigration Act Emergency Quota Act 1921
Limit # of people admitted to the US Becomes more harsh in 1924 & 1939

6 Revival of KKK By 1924 over 4.5 million people
Help elect many office holders Decrease power by end of decade b/c too much criminal activity

7 More Labor Troubles Boston Police Strike Steel Mill Strike 1919
Put down by MA Governor Calvin Coolidge Steel Mill Strike 1919 Want to unionize Labeled as “Communists” to the public Broken in 1920 Am. People learn of harsh working conditions in the mill Steel Co. leaders cut workday to 8 hrs. but workers still can’t unionize Coal Miners Strike 1919 John L. Lewis (president of union) won wage increase for miners

8 President Harding Chapter 20 Sec 2

9 1920 Harding is elected to the presidency (29th) with Calvin Coolidge as his Vice President
Goal is to Make Peace 1921 conference with World powers First major dismantling of world powers military ships 1928 Kellogg-Braind Pact Renounce war as a national policy

10 We Want Our $ Back Want $ back from WWI
Put high tariffs on goods, and makes it difficult for Fr. & Br. To pay back loans (Forney-McCumber Tariff) Germany doesn’t have $ to give to Fr. & Br. Fr. & Br. Become angry with US b/c of loans given to Germany to help build economy

11 Corruption in the White House
Harding appointments to his cabinet were mixed (some good and some bad) Ohio Gang (old gambling buddies) cause problems Lots of corruption and bribery Teapot Dome and Elks Hill scandals Sec. of Interior Albert Fall leased public land to two private oil companies, in return he got $ and property Harding dies Aug. 2, 1923 Coolidge becomes 30th President and was reelected in 1924

12 New & Improved CHAPTER 20 Section 3

13 Themes of the 1920’s Postwar US economy boomed
America withdrew from international politics (isolationism) US focused on taking advantage of world economic power shift Industrialization

14 The Open Road New developments
Route 66—highway going from Chicago to LA Connected small towns with large cities Allowed mass migration to West Added to consumer culture Driven by and added to development of auto industry Traveling, tourism, roadside attractions

15 Urban sprawl Additional highways (and cars) caused cities to expand rapidly People bought cars, moved out Population shift demanded more roads to be built More roads, more cars, led to more people move out

16 The Friendly Skies US Air Mail begins 1918
Ford’s tri-motor plane (1924) allows for passenger service Pan Am (first domestic airline) established 1927 Allowed the country to become physically “smaller”—shorter travel times between long distances Started eliminating many regional identities, creating an “American” culture

17 Better Homes & Gardens Avg. household income rose 35% in 1920’s ($522 to $705) Allowed for people to upgrade modern conveniences w/ disposable income New “electrics”—vacuums, sewing & washing machines Led to development of modern advertising Birth of brand names—ex. Listerine, Clorox, Sell products that will improve your life and give you belonging Fed into consumer culture development from mail order catalogs of 1900

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